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Two years later

Alya was tired by the time she was home. Yawning, she drags herself inside the door to her room. She felt sleepy, despite having overslept that day. In the last two of years, sleeping was the only thing she looked forward to.

Her dreams where haunted by the same guy with the sexiest smirk in his lips, maybe that was why she liked sleeping so much. Just because she could see him, even if it was just a dream. Pathetic, she thinks to herself.

Alya halts in her steps when she hears a deep voice, it sounds somewhat familiar but it's a bit deeper than she remembered.

'I'm going crazy', Alya mumbles to herself as she continues walking to her room. This time when she hears the same voice, she becomes sure that she isn't going crazy and the voice had come from her living room.

Curious, she walks to the living room and peeks inside. However, all she can see through the small gap is the bald head of her father. She grumbles under her breath and concentrates on the voice.

".... I want to marry your daughter."

Alya gasps loudly, her eyes the size of saucers.

"Alya, to your room," her father orders from inside and as much as she wants to open the door and see who the guy is, she obediently walks to her room.

All trace of sleep is wiped from her eyes. Alya paces back and forth in her room, knots form in her stomach and her throat dries. Could it be him?

The voice sure sounded familiar but it had already been two years, maybe she mistook it as his.

Alya grabs the headscarf and pulls it out of her head. Running her hand through the brown locks, she looks at the mirror and takes deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself.

After ages, gathering courage, she walks outside her room to the living room. Disappointment fills her when she finds it empty. She hadn't imagined the whole thing, had she?

With a frown, she searches for her parents but she doesn't find them anywhere. Exhaustion again looms over her and she walks to her room. She opens the door and closes it behind her.

Not taking a look around herself, she starts taking off her clothes. Maybe a hot shower will help, she thinks to herself. She lets the red dress fall on the ground and steps out of it. Left just a thin black warmer she wore underneath, she goes to pull the stockings off.


Alya screams and pulls the dress to cover herself, her eyes wide as she finds the intruder sprawled on her bed. She had left the window open.

"Still the same," a lopsided grin makes its way on her intruder's lips. Her eyes sweep from the midnight black hair touselled to the side leading to the tanned face, most beautiful cheekbones she'd ever seen in her entire life and the same smirk she had dreamt of every single day. He had grown into a very attractive man, she realizes. His body was more muscled than before, he definitely looked more attractive.

She then realizes what she's wearing. Just a thin layer of revealing clothing.

"Look away, you infuriating son of a biscuit," she yells at him, her nose flare. He chuckles deeply and falls flat on the bed, his gaze now on the ceiling.

Alya pulls the dress back on, keeping her eyes on him the entire time. Her heart beats wildly.

"What did dad say?"

Zayd doesn't answer. He breathes deeply before looking over. The blush on her face makes him joyous. She looked even more beautiful than before. He stands up and walks to her towering over her. His hands itch to hold her, his eyes are trained on hers.

Unable to control anymore, he pulls her into his arms and strokes her hair lovingly. The feeling of her in his arms could never compare to any other feeling, he thinks to himself.

Alya melts in his arms, this feels surreal. How did he know where she lived? They hadn't talked after that night and seeing him out of the blue was a bit overwhelming. Not that she was complaining.

Alya buries her head in his hard chest, not minding the hardness as she wraps her hand around him.

"Did they say yes?" she mumbles into his chest.

Zayd looks at her and smiles sweetly.

"Does it matter?"

"Does it not."

"Tell me," she whispers, her eyes watering slightly. She missed him so much.

He leans down and kisses her deeply. His lips show her exactly how much he missed her, caressing her lips and his tongue caressing hers. Alya's toes curl and she tugs on his hair. Realising what they were doing she pushes him. He understands.

"They said yes." He closes his eyes and relishes in the feeling. No haram anymore, Alya thinks to herself feeling giddy, thanking God.

"I love you babygirl," he says softly. He braces herself for her reply, after all, it had been two years.

"I love you too."

Happy tears fill her eyes as she answers. She sniffles and looks at Zayd. He smiles down at her, adoration shining in his eyes. He raises his hand and brushes his knuckles over her cheeks that are still red.

"My little strawberry."


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 It is a compilation of Islamic memes that are very relatable, I swear ;)

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