17 | ᴀʟʏᴀ

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Violet is the main lead of the second book.


"What happened to your eye?"

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"What happened to your eye?"

"Uh.. well my.. friend mistakenly.. slipped his hand and punched me in the eye. It's nothing, really."

"You suck at lying."

"Who said I was lying?"

I roll my eyes and inspect Theo's black eye. It looks really bad. I really wonder who would do that to him, Theo's such a nice guy.

"This friend of yours sounds like an ass."

"He is," Theo nods his head, looking around the dusty museum. I feel someone looking my way so I turn around. Oh look, it's the queen.

"Do you want something?"

"Yeah," Violet nods her head. "Can I talk to you for a second? In private?" She says in her sugar coated voice that instantly makes me suspicious. I look at Theo and smile, letting him know that he can leave.

He narrows his eyes at Violet and walks away.

"So, do you sing?"

"Nope," I look at her weirdly. What kind of question is that?

"Well we have this singing contest tonight, you must have heard," she smiles sweetly, "And, we are short on participants."

"I don't sing," I confirm.

Her blue eyes twinkle.


Something is suspicious. I walk back to Theo and we continue our tour around the museum. I can't help but wonder- something is definitely up with Violet. I'm going to have to look out for myself.

. . .

It's evening and we're sitting around the bonfire again. The stage in front of us is decorated beautifully and I sit next to Theo.

He looks excited, he can't stop smiling. I don't feel the same way. Something doesn't seem right.

"I'll be back," I say standing up. Theo mumbles an okay and I leave. I walk behind the stage, everyone's in a fenzy. Some are practicing and other's are cheering them. My eyes fall on the paper next to the grand table. My heart stops beating.

25. Alya Zaynub and Zayd Aaraiz-
Little do you know

What in the name of God is this?

And with Zayd?!

I walk to Violet. She's the host to the program and I'm thousand percent sure she's the one behind this.

"Hey, I clearly said I didn't want to participate."

She turns to me with a smirk in her cherry red lips and looks at me in mock pity.

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