28 | ᴢᴀʏᴅ

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We only have around three to four chapters left :)

"Man, what happened to you?!" River's eyes are wide as he looks at me with horror written on his face

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"Man, what happened to you?!" River's eyes are wide as he looks at me with horror written on his face. I did look pretty bad, both of my eyes were bruised and I had busted lips and cuts on my face. I think my nose was fractured. Maybe I should get it checked.

"Was there a streetfight yesterday?"

"Yes." No.

"You should look at my opponent's face," I force a smirk on my face as I lie. River seems to have believed me because he gives me a grin.

I patiently wait for Alya as I lean against the walls while River flirts with some bimbo. I fucking miss her. I wonder how she would react after yesterday though. I hope her parents didn't do anything to her.

I feel my lips twitch that slowly turns to a smile when I catch the sight of Alya's grey headscarf as she enters. She looks fucking beautiful as always, I love it when she wears those dresses.

However, confusion swirls inside me when I see her look at me with wide eyes and instantly look away. Frowning, I walk to her but she starts walking faster.

"Alya," I call her.

"Leave me alone, Zayd."

I stop walking. I feel as if a bucket of ice-cold water has been thrown on me at her icy tone. I look at her in confusion, is this really happening? My jaws clench and so do my fists when she walks to her locker and fucking smiles at Theo.

Did that really happen?

Even after what I went through for her yesterday?

My heart clenches, I take deep breaths. Why the fuck is she acting like this?

. . .

Football practice is brutal. But it helps me keep my mind off the probabilities of where this was leading. Why was Alya ignoring me? She fucking knew I wanted her and I for a fact knew she wanted me too. What changed?

"Why so glum, man?"

I glare at River before taking the water bottle from his hand and gulping it down. A moment later, a boy, probably a sophomore, with blonde hair comes running to me and passes me a piece of folded paper with a huge grin.

"This is from Alya," he says before running away. I frown and look at the paper, feeling my heart beat faster than the usual. River senses my mood and leaves.

I unfold the paper.


You're a great guy, I never knew. And I'm happy that you opened up to me. I guess I know why you used to hate me, it's probably because your dad and I shared something common. It was the religion that took him away from you. I just wanted to let you know that I forgive you now. Grief does blind us as you said.

I really like you, I never thought I would. You made me feel things. My heart beats like crazy whenever I lay my eyes on you. I can never forget the time I spent with you. I.. I'm really sorry. I wish this could go somewhere. Fate is a bitch, Zayd. I'm really sorry. I don't think I can do this anymore. My parents don't approve of this, nor does my religion. I don't think we have a future. I hope you will forgive me as I forgave you.

p.s- I love you. Every little inch of my body is in love with you, with everything that you are. I love your chuckle, the colour of your eyes, your kind smile or shall I say the little twitch of lips, the way you look at me, and how you call me your little strawberry.

You are wonderful and you deserve much more :)

My eyes sting. My heart stops. I feel the searing pain first in my head and then in my chest. I couldn't fucking take this in, couldn't process it. I hastily shove the paper in the pocket and run back to the field when the coach blows his whistles.

I honestly couldn't process it.

. . .

I throw everything in my locker before locking it. I try to breathe but I couldn't, this shit hurt. Her smile was etched in my brain, the wild things she said that made my heart beat faster, I couldn't get those out of my head.

How could I fucking forget everything?

I walk to Alya and grab her arm before pulling her to an empty classroom. I turn her around, look at her in the eyes. I try to find something, anything.

"You love me?" It comes as a question.

"Please don't do this, Zayd," her voice breaks and tears fill in her eyes. Her beautiful green eyes, fuck. How could I forget her angelic heart?

"Please," I whisper, "I can't do this Alya. Baby, please don't do this to me, you said this could work. I swear I'll marry you if that's what it takes. Please don't," I sound pathetic to my ears but that's what I had become. She had tripped me.

She wipes a tear that leaves her right eye.

"I shouldn't have led you on. I'm a selfish bitch," she whispers to herself, looking distant as more tears fill in her eyes. She looks like she's in pain.


"No Zayd. This can't happen. Don't make this more difficult than it already is. Please, don't."

"There you are! Congratulation to both of you!" Alya wipes her eyes and we turn to a hyperactive, ecstatic Theo.

"You guys are on the last round for the singing contest! Congratu-fuckin-lations!"

"Do we really have to perform?" Alya questions, her voice soft.

"Were you crying?" Theo turns to look at me, "I swear if you made her cry I'm going to-"

"I wasn't crying, Theo!" Alya forces a laugh, "there was something in my eye."

Theo frowns before answering with a 'yes' to her previous question. I can't take my eyes off her.

That's when I make my mind that I'm going to get my babygirl back, no matter what it takes. I give her a proper smile, not the twitch of lips, as I think about my next move.

"We will perform, thanks for letting us know Theo," I tell him, looking at Alya.

She looks at me like a lost kitten, trying to understand what my next move is going to be. I just smile.

So which song are they going to choose?Guesses?

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So which song are they going to choose?

No mean comments, please.

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