09 | ᴀʟʏᴀ

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I'm done with my exams, yay! Here's an update, sorry for keeping y'all waiting :)

I'm done with my exams, yay! Here's an update, sorry for keeping y'all waiting :)

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Hearts are traitorous. And, impractical.

I am furious. She can't stop beating faster than the drum on a fast rap song. I am so damn angry because, after everything I went through, because of Zayd, she is freaking reacting like this. So I come to the conclusion that I hate my heart because she likes it when I am with Zayd.

His leather-clad arms bump into mine as we walk. The traitorous thing inside me escalates.

Zayd, out of all people?

My brain on the other hand completely agrees with me. Brains are logical.

But why do I want to follow the traitorous thing instead of the logical one?

Right. Because no matter how illogical things are, when you think with your heart, you become content. Happy, I guess?

Still, I'm furious. I don't want to follow my heart. But I do. I'm going crazy.

His arms bump into mine. Again. That's it.

"Stop freaking bumping into me. Keep your arms to yourself, will you?"

Zayd looks taken back by my outburst. I focus on the road and kick the stones angrily, trying not to focus on my erratic heartbeat.

"Geez. Calm your tits, woman."

"You calm your freaking male tits, you- you infuriating- idiot! Why are you suddenly concerned about me anyway, huh? Is this some strategy of yours? There is no way you'd feel anything other than hatred for me!"

My nose flare in anger. I become even more annoyed because I can't see his face in the dark! The moonlight falls on the back of his head and I can't freaking look at his eyes. Infuriating son of a biscuit.

"I'm not concerned about you," Zayd fakes a laugh. I laugh back coldly.

"Don't give me that bull poop. You don't think I'm dumb to believe that, do you? Tell me Zayd, why are you concerned about me?"

"Alya, I said I'm not concerne-"

"And why do you hate me anyway, huh? What did I ever do to you? I need answers."

"Shut the fuck up."

"No, I need answers. I don't care what you do. What's the most you can do anyway? Hit me? Come on, do it. Hit me, I dare you."

I snatch Leo from his arms. She deserves a better home than his. He snatches her back. My poor Leo.

I can feel his rage now. He has no reason to be angry!

"Tell me- mphnhpm," his palm closes around my mouth, effectively shutting me up. And, I do the unthinkable, I lick his palm. He doesn't budge. What's that salty taste? Ew.

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