06 | ᴢᴀʏᴅ

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I felt the need to strangle someone, my hands were fisted

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I felt the need to strangle someone, my hands were fisted. All I wanted was to beat someone into a pulp. And that someone had his tongue shoved inside some girl's throat.

I freeze.

It wasn't just some girl.

It was Alya who the fucker was kissing right now.

An entirely new wave of emotions fill my insides as I watch the scene before me- the fucker was fucking kissing Alya. The so-called kiss didn't even last for a moment and no it didn't involve tongues and throats but my mind was hazy, the need to see blood increased.

Within seconds, I was in front of him. I punch him right on his face. How dare he spread rumours about me? Did he not know who he was messing up with? I don't hear the small gasp at my right as I repeatedly punched the fucker.

He tries to block himself but sadly, he's unable to.

How dare this son of a bitch do that?

The storm of rage inside me only increases when I feel a tug on my forearm. I pull my hand off harshly, making whoever it was fly away, a crash resounds and a whimper follows next. My fists stop in mid-air.

I breathe heavily and close my eyes tightly, hoping it wasn't what I thought it to be. I open my eyes and turn around.


Alya picks herself from the ground and touches the side of her head as she moans in pain, shit I didn't mean to do this. Fuck. Shit, I didn't mean to. I pull at my hair in frustration, the fucker is on the ground too, groaning. Good. He deserved that.

Alya didn't.

For the first time in ages, I feel guilt. The heaviness in my chest only increases when Alya staggers on her step, almost falling on the ground. She should have known better than to stop me in a fucking fight.

I could have done her fragile body more damage. She must have crashed against the lockers, fucking hell. I rush over when I see red liquid drip down her head, to the side of her face.

She tries to push me away but her tiny punches feel kinda ticklish. I force her to turn to the side, examining her head. There's a cut on her scalp, her blood drips on my hand.

I was going to fucking kill Theo.

But for now, I had to do something. I looked at the shirt I was wearing. I'd happily tear it but I didn't have enough money to buy another one. So, I walk over to Theo who is still groaning in pain and tear his shirt that looked expensive. Pity.

Walking back to Alya, I hesitate to remove her headscarf. What she had said earlier rings in my head and makes me stop.

"We need to get the headscarf off," I tell her softly. She shakes her head no. I groan.

"We have to," I grit out. The hallway is empty, everyone had already left. Alya hesitates. I decide to not take it out.

Alya doesn't speak, she continues to look at the ground. She leans against the lockers to keep herself steady.


My voice comes as the smallest of whispers, I doubt she even hears it. I haven't apologised for a long time. But the least I could do was apologise, I didn't want her to think that I knowingly did that. I might not be a good guy but I'd never hurt a woman like that.

When did her thoughts about me start to matter though? Right, they don't.

Footsteps are heard and before us stands Mr Fernsby. The school principal. His eyes are wide as he takes the situation in front of him. Theo is groaning in pain and while Alya's head has stopped bleeding, the side of her face has dry blood.

And my fists are bloody.

Fuck my life.

. . .

Mr Fernsby ended up giving me two options. Either two-week suspension or two weeks of community services. I'd rather do the first one, but since I had that project with Alya, I chose the latter one.

It wasn't because I felt guilty. That moment of weakness was long gone. It was because I should start caring about my grades. And I didn't trust Alya to do the project on her own. Sure she brought straight 'A's but I just didn't trust her.

Before walking outside the school, I find myself going to the infirmary. A burst of melodic laughter stops me dead on my tracks.

A weird feeling wrecks my insides when I see Alya sitting next to Theo and laughing heartily. Her headscarf was back on her head, hiding the white bandage underneath. Theo's eyes crinkle as he smiles boyishly.

The nurse looks at them with a stupid grin that clearly said 'oh, what a cute couple they are'.

I feel a smirk on my face, despite the stupid feeling on my chest that only increases when I catch the sight of Theo's face. At least the boy doesn't look pretty anymore.

Alya's laughter dies down when she sees me. She realizes something, probably that her driver's waiting outside and it's time to go home, and stands up, Theo follows suit. They walk outside the infirmary before giving the nurse a sweet smile.

Theo passes me a look and he doesn't seem guilty at all. Motherfucker. Alya doesn't even bother looking at me.

I stop her. Theo looks at us in curiosity, Alya motions him to go and smiles, yes she fucking smiles at him. They wave at each other and he leaves, not before glaring at me.

He still hadn't gotten his lesson I see. The least he could do was look guilty, he spread the rumours after all. Kissing Theo? I almost gag. I'd rather kiss Alya.

Alya clears her throat and looks at me. I snap out of my thoughts.

"You're not doing the project alone," I start. Her eyes widen before confusion takes over her features.


"Because I don't trust you," I say in a monotonous tone, sliding my hand on my pant pocket.

"When did you start caring about your grades?" Alya raises one of her eyebrows in challenge. She tries to look intimidating but her small frame doesn't help.


"What if I don't want to do it with you?"

"I'm not sure Mr Green would like to hear that," I smirk. Alya grumbles and finally gives in, her expression showing that she wanted to do anything but a project with me.

"The feeling's mutual, baby girl," I drawl. She scowls at me. I find myself looking into her forest-green eyes. Seriously, such pretty eyes wasted on an ugly girl.

"So baby girl, your place or mine?"

I chuckle lowly when I see her cheeks turning pink. Looks like someone has a dirty mind.

 Looks like someone has a dirty mind

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