Bᴏɴᴜs Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ

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Dedicated to hey523

#justiceforKarim indeed.

Karim is the driver, in case you guys *clears throat and gives a pointed look* don't remember him.

Karim is the driver, in case you guys *clears throat and gives a pointed look* don't remember him

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Karim's POV

"We will miss you so much, Karim," Alya smiles tearily at me. I smile back sadly, she was like the little sister I never had. A tear rolls down her cheeks and I wipe them. Just in time, her mother calls her. With a final goodbye, she disappears inside the airport and I sigh.

Time to give the boy a visit.

I remember the boy's face very well. What was his name again? Zayn it was, probably. Or was it Zayd? No no, it was Zayn. I walk to a cab and tell the driver the direction to Zayn's house. This guy was going to get a good beating, how dare he hurt my little sister?

What Alya didn't know was, every time she walked to Zayn's house, I followed her. I did not want her to get hurt and the world was a cruel place. I am instantly reminded of that time when Zayn sneaked inside her room.

Allah knows what he did to my innocent sister. This guy was going to get interrogated.

But last night, she came with tears, sobbing all the way to her home. And at that moment I knew I wasn't going to sit there and do nothing while the boy broke Alya's heart.

This Zayn guy really is going to get his ass beaten.

I look at the surroundings and find that the houses look different. The farther we go, the more different the surroundings look. I feel myself getting anxious, perhaps this isn't where Zayn lives.

Or maybe I am not being able to recognize this place because I have only seen this place at the dark of night and not in the daylight.

However, after two hours of driving, I decide that I have indeed reached the boy's house. Paying the cab driver, I get out of the car and walk inside the apartment we are in front of.

The apartment is secluded and dark and in my heart, I feel like this is not where Zayn lives. But, I wasn't going to give up. I get inside the elevator and a scantily dressed woman looks at me with big green eyes and a seductive smile.

I unintentionally look down her body. Wallahi, this woman knew no modesty! Her body was fully bare except for the two pieces of very small cloth. I instantly look away, asking for forgiveness under my breath to my Lord.


"Which floor, sir?"

Ignoring her, I press the tenth-floor button and avert my gaze to my shoes, wondering if this scantily dressed woman was also going to Zayn's place or not. Because she hadn't pressed any button yet.

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