16 | ᴢᴀʏᴅ

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I'm sleepy af.
Btw, the second book in the series will be on Theo, third on River and fourth on Chase.

 Btw, the second book in the series will be on Theo, third on River and fourth on Chase

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Life is a fucking fucked-up bitch that fucks you up in the worst fucking way.

Her even breaths hint that she's asleep. Against my chest. Her hands over my stomach. Her ear against my chest, right above my heart that can't stop beating fast. I'm surprised it hasn't woken her yet.

"Noko ole chocolate," she mumbles incoherent words and stirs before snuggling deeper into me and sleeping peacefully. Her hair is completely sprawled over my torso and I resist the urge to run my hand through it.

What? It's fucking irresistible. It's a good thing that she always has it covered, I would hate to kill assholes who'd gawk at her hair. Or fucking touch it. Like I am. I twirl a strand around my finger.

I want her to myself.

I'm going fucking crazy.

The hole inside seems to fill itself a little- every time I'm with her.

I feel like I have been missing this out my entire life. These fucking emotions she kindles in me, they are better than a cigarette, which reminds me I desperately need to smoke.

But I can't push her away, what if she awakes?

So I resist the addiction I had developed at the age of fourteen. Cigarettes have been my oxygen ever since. My head starts aching by the lack of it. But I don't light it, it's in the right pocket of the leather jacket. And this girl absolutely hates the cigarette smell.

It's mid day already and we're still stuck here. Alya stirs awake, she turns her head and looks at me with sleepy eyes.

"Hey," she says. Her eyes flutter close and she leans against me again to start snoring softly. I find myself smiling at her and the second I realize that I'm smiling, I wipe it off my face. What is wrong with me?

"Why do you have to be a Muslim?"

Alya stirs again, I silently curse under my breath. I didn't mean to wake her up.

"What did you say?" she mumbles sleepily. I keep quiet. She sits straight and I don't like it when she pulls away from me.

"Should we go search the museums by ourselves?" She yawns.


She turns to look at me, raising one of her eyebrows.

"Why?" Her eyebrows shoot up.

"Because I said so."

Alya puts her hand over her hair and pulls at it, probably in frustration. We stay in silence for a while. Until she opens her mouth.

"I'm bored."


"Dance for me?" Is she for real?

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