Meeting the other Romano brother

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He came up to Damien and picked him up with so much care and I instantly handed him the bottle. Taking a seat on the table with him cradling Damien he starts to speak. "Hi, I'm Dr. Romano. You can call me Angelo. Who do I have here in my arms?" Seeing how small my baby looked in his arms and at the same time so protected I snap out of my thoughts and answer him. "Nice to meet you doctor. Thats baby Damien and this is baby Dante Langston. And I'm their mom Ashley." He looked up and gave me a small smile. I must say he looks so damn hot. Like where did they find him at? Once we were done feeding both boys we burped them and he started to check them and made sure their spine looked good and completed the rest of their examinations. Once we were done he helped me get them dress. Wondering why he didn't seem to be in a hurry. I ask him "are we ypur last patients?" "Yeah, I'm already closed for the day. Its ok I didn't want to rush the appointment with these little guys." Smiling at him i was kind of taken back on what he just said. I started to place Damien in his carseat. Buckling him in and turn to get Dante in my arms from Angelo. I focus on my baby instead of Angelo. Couldn't get the courage to look him on his eyes, I buckled in Dante and covered them up in their blanket. It was starting to get a little chilly outside. Once I was done I turn to face where the doctor had been standing and asked if we were done. He said yes. And then asked me the strangest question. He had asked if my husband was there to pick us up. I just gave a weird chuckle and said I wasn't married. He looked surprised. "I don't mean to be nosey but do you have a ride home?" "No we actually live really close by." "Do you mind if I walk you guys home.  Its getting late and I just want to make sure you guys arrive safely home. If you don't mind." "No i don't mind. Sure that would be ok." I pushed my boys outside to the lobby waiting for him to lock up his office and turn off the lights. He held the door open so I can push the stroller outside. I waited by the side walk and out of no where this beautiful husky came up to me. He seem like he was still fairly young. He kept runbing his head on my legs and I couldn't help but rub his head and he stayed close to my stroller. As if he was protecting my babies. Angelo walks out to where we were at and looked surprised. I looked at him and asked what was wrong. He started to say that the name of this Beautiful husky is Charlie the town dog. And that he's friendly but never approached anyone before just him and his brother. I was like oh wow this must mean he likes us. We started to walk towards my home, and noticed Charlie wouldn't leave our side. Actually more like not leaving the boys' side. We kept a close eye on him and started small talk. "So where did you move from?" "Ummm California. ""Why such a huge change and so soon after giving birth?"
"Wow Mr. Questions are we now. Hahahah." I nudge his arm. And just started laughing.  He started to become apologetic for being nosey. So I decided to tell him my story.  "So we just moved in yesterday. And no im not married or with anyone. Im a single mom. My cousin is staying for one more day and then he has to leave back to California. He couldn't take so much time off. I moved needing a fresh start. To raise my babies where we could have a normal life. The sperm donor didn't want anything to do with them. And tried to play mind games with me before I went into labor. Not wanting to put my boys in that kind of negative environment. They don't even have him on their birth certificate or anything not even their last names have nothing to do with him. Besides that I have my own business in interior design and im actually opening it up here in town. Well I work from home, but now that I have my boys I dont want strangers coming to my home, so ill be looking for an office space. Hoping for it to be a walking distance. So what about you?" Noticing that we're almost to my home. He answered "well, my family has a huge farm and its just myself, my brother Stephano and my sister Angela and obviously my parents. I have no kids wife or girlfriend. Same thing for my brother. My sister is the baby and is seriously spoiled by all of us." We both started having a small laugh at that. I started to walk up the drive way of my home and invited him in. And we noticed that Charlie was still there. Not even wanting to stay outside I allowed him in. I felt so bad that he didn't have a forever home. Charlie went straight to the living room and laid on the floor close the boys' bassinet. Vin looked up at me with a surprise look and even more shocked look of Charlie. And just stood up and walked up to me and Angelo. "Hi I'm Vincent. And you are?" Taking Vin's hand Angelo shook his hand and answered " nice to meet you I'm Angelo. Im their doctor. I didn't want them walking home alone. Especially its getting late." Giving Vin an explanation, not knowing why but I continued to take out Damien and hand him over to Vin and I unbuckled Dante and was going to put him in the bassinet when Angelo reached for him. Not hesitating I hand him my little angel. Watching my bff/big brother figure and this handsome doctor hold my babies in their huge arms. Made me feel as if this was a Kodak moment.

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