Romano boys turn 4months

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Time has been flying by. With how busy we all became with our babies and work. The nausea still hasn't calmed down. I made an appointment for Thursday. Im hoping its a bug, but I haven't seen anyone else sick. I've been hiding it from my men. They haven't seemed to notice. But today when I was getting ready I notice what looks like a baby bump. Oh no I cant be so soon. But again we haven't used protection at all. We've been intimate so many times since our honeymoon. Well hopefully they find it funny. Hahaha I know they won't but we have to fine the humor somewhere. 
Finally its Thursday afternoon and I asked Maggie to please watch my babies. I head to my gynecologist to see if its a baby or a bug. Hoping to just be sick. I get there and check in with the secretary. Waiting to be called I get a text message from Angelo.
Angelo: bella I heard you have an appointment.  Are you ok?
Me: I'm fine its just a regular woman check up. Since the boys been born I haven't gotten a check up. I'll call you asa I get out.
Angelo: ok my love. Call me right after. I love you.
Me: I love you too. Ok I will. Bye.
Right when we ended our text I was called. Once I got weighed and got my pressure taken I went into a room and change out of my clothes. The nurse came in and asked me to pee on a cup. A few minutes after the dr came in. "Hello Mrs.  Ashley Romano how are you feeling today?" "I'm ok just alot of nausea.  And have been getting some dizzy spells." " ok well we have the paperwork on the results on the pregnancy test we submitted and congratulations its positive." Stunned I couldn't move or respond. I just sat there frozen. Worried the dr kept asking if I was ok. Handing me a cup of water i slowly began drinking it. I started to feel a little better. "Yeah, I'm ok im just surprised.  My twins just turned 4 months old." "OK let's check on the baby and see how far a long you are?" Nodding I lay back on the table and the dr goes ahead and uses the wand ultra sound to get more of a clarity of how far I am. Looking at the screen we see the baby bigger than I expected. "OK so the eatimation of the size of the baby is about 9 weeks along. Not too far along." Calculating its confirmed I conceived one of the 3 days of our honeymoon. Feeling so many emotions I lay there until she's done printing pictures of my baby. "Ugh doc is there only one baby in there? I just don't want a surprise baby like my first pregnancy." She checked again carefully and sure enough she found the other baby. Oh goodness another twin pregnancy. Oh boy here we go again. After I was dressed and made my next appointment I walk to my car and decide to go get a pregnancy test and take it and plan a way of telling my guys. Deciding on how to do it. I placed everything on the bed and waited for them to come home. Sending them a text saying I need them home asap.

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I waited for them to walk in and i sat there with my boys laying on our bed playing with their teething rings

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I waited for them to walk in and i sat there with my boys laying on our bed playing with their teething rings. As soon as they came in and saw what was right next to me they both feel to their knees. I waited to see what they would say. They both had tears and hugging each other. They finally got up and Stephano was the first to pull me into a hug and kept smothering me with kisses. I began laughing and thats when he kneeled down to my tummy and began placing kisses and telling them how much he loves them. He got up and moved out of the say and let Angelo have his moment with me and our babies. While Angelo caressed my tummy Stephano played and kissed our boys heads. And kept telling them they will be big brothers soon. Once we all hugged and they smothered me in kisses we went and fixed ourselves on our bed around our boys. Feeling so happy and full of love the next few months went by quick. My mood swings were worse this time around. I just turned 7months and I was on my files I needed in my bag when a lady walked in. She looked to be older than me. Once she made sure I was alone she pointed a gun to me. Afraid of what she will do I asked her what she wanted. "You had to do this to him. And rip my family apart. How selfish could you be." "I don't know what your talking about. Look I dont know what you want but please we can fix what ever is wrong. Im pregnant and please I have my babies at home too. Please just put down the gun." She started to have this evil laugh and said "your the bitch that took away his boys. Why would I spare you? You think you can just go around whoring yourself and having babies and ruining everyone's lives." Not knowing what else to do i swipe my phone to call Angelo. I keep pleading to spare my life. She keeps laughing and then I tell her let me call my husband and tell him good bye atleast. She laughs again and begins to walk away. But then suddenly she fires her gun at me. Shielding my stomach I turn to my side and feel the bullet pierce me. Screaming loudly I can faintly hear Angelo screaming my name. I fall to the ground landing on my hip first I began to silently plead for my babies to be ok. I can faintly hear sirens. Not sure if they're coming closet or away I began to drift off. Im opening and closing my eyes trying to keep myself awake. The last thing I remember hearing is a male voice saying I will be ok. Then darkness consumed me.

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