Tragedy hits the Romano Family

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Angelo's point of view

All we could do is sit and wait. I was loosing my mind. Not knowing if our wife was alive or our babies. What was going on with them. Not knowing was really making more impossible to stay calm. It was about 1 hour later the doctor came put in a hurry and worried laced on his face. We all got up and circled around him. "Mr. Romano? Sir we have ran into a complication and need to know what you want us to do. " "wait what complication what are talking about. Save my family please save all 3." "Well from where the bullet pierce through it is very hard to save them all. We need to know if it comes down to the decision who do you want us to focus on. The babies so far seem ok just distress on their mother's condition.  Of we delive them now they will survive but will be in the nicu for a bit and your wife is the one who seems of a less chance of serving at the moment." Getting upset i said to him as calm as possible. "Deliver my children and save my wife. I don't care what it costs save her please. If you need a special surgeon bring him in I will pay what ever it is. Just save her please." I began to sob and Stephano grabbed on to me. I was feeling my legs go out on me. I held onto him for strength. All I can see in his face was worry and anger. The dr nodding his head ran back to the operating room. Couldn't hold back my anger and worry I cried like I have never before into my brother's shoulder. With all my might I prayed and pleaded with God to please let my family survive. About 5 hours later the same dr from earlier and another one came upto us. We again circled around them and he began to speak. "So we did deliver your babies. They are both healthy girls. One weighed in at 5lbs and the other one at 4.5 lbs. They are in the nursery. As for your wife ill let dr brown tell you." "So when she turned side ways shielding her babies the bullet literally missed every vital organ. The reason why she was bleeding out so mush was because the bullet was still inside making a mess. But once we found where exactly it had dug into we were able to contain the bleeding. Which is very good news. But because it did miss the vital organs it did cause nerve damage. Which means so far her left side like her arm down to her waist she can't feel. With intense physical therapy we are hoping she regains atleast 50 to 60% back. But other wise she was very brave and lucky because if she hadn't turned the likely hood of all 3 of them being alive right now would've been 0% chance. She barely coming out of the anesthesia so as soon as we get her settled you all will be able to see her. She is in the largest room we have to accommodate your babies and your family. And congratulations to your healthy babygirls." We thank the drs so much and waited another 20 minutes before we all quietly went to her room. I had my security team take Maggie and our boys to my parents home and put max security guards there. We had officers and some of my men placed outside her room and had some of my men escort the nurse who pushed our babygirls into the room with us all. As soon as I walked in as saw my wife laying there pale from all the blood she lost. I couldn't help but shed some tears. I sat next to her and Stephano went on the other side and we both held her hand. We kissed her hand and just kept reassuring that we were there and she was safe. Once our babygirls came in I was lost for words. They were absolutely beautiful.  They were actually doing very well on very little oxygen.  They still had to have the oxygen on them. I was so scared to carry them their nurse had stephano and I to take off our shirts and do skin to skin contact with them. I had gotten my tiny babygirl. She was so small on my large muscular chest. I placed a tecieving blanket on her back and rubbed small circles on her and began to hum. Stephano began to hum along with me and at that moment Ashley began to speak. "My loves shh sh quieter their little ears are sensitive. She can feel the vibrations coming from your chest." We both looked up shocked. My mother went up to her very quickly and began to hug her gently and cried into her hair. Ashley telling her she was ok and reassuring her. I sat there not believing how brave and a hero my beautiful bella is. She literally saved our babies from the worst to happen.
Ashley's point of view

Hated not be able to do regular thing on my own. I couldn't even lift my left arm to hold my babies. I cried so much that night once my inlaws left. I finally got to meet their sister. But to my surprise she didn't care for me much. Not even for her nieces. She didn't even want to get near them. Feeling a bit angry I told Angelo that I needed to rest and he sent them all out. Right when I was about to start telling my men what happened there was a knock on my door. Angelo going up to the door he saw two detectives asking to speak to me. Allowing them in the introduced themselves and began to ask what happen. I started from the beginning until I passed out on what exactly happen. I also notified them that I have audio and surveillance cameras installed and have it all on my phone. Happy to hear that Stephano immediately forward a copy from my phone to them. Sating their goodbyes we were finally left with our babies and their nurse. We had two nurses on for the day and this one for the night. We started to brainstorm of the names we wanted to name them. We decided on our tiny baby is Aria Romano and our babygirl 2 is Luna Romano. Giving the nurse their names she made them little name tags on their crib windows. It was a long night. The girls didn't have any problems with feeding. Luna was able to bottle feed since she weighed more and was able to suckle the bottle. But Aria needed a tiny feeding tube. She wasn't ready to do that just yet. After 10 long days away from our baby boys we were all being discharged from the hospital. Angelo and Stephano went crazy on the surveillance and security team at our home. They hired another nanny to help with our girls since Maggie's hands were full with our boys. They were turning 1 in a few days. I was so sad that I couldn't give them the party that they deserved my men made a deal for their 2nd we would have a huge birthday bash. Agreeing with them I didn't feel so bad. We would have something cute for our big boys. 

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