Our Routine

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    Waking up feeling a bit too warm, I wake up and see that I was literally sandwiched by two massive bodies. Not that I minded. I lift myself off the bed, and head into the shower. Once I was done showering and getting myself together, I go into the nursery and change my boys and get them ready for the day. Seeing that it was already 6:30am, I started making coffee and some breakfast. I fed both boys and got them settled down right before Angelo and Stephano walk in to the kitchen. Getting embraced by them always feels so amazing. "Breakfast is ready. Sit down so we can eat." Kissing the side of my head Angelo walks by me and starts to get the plates and cups out. I start to serve the plates while Stephano makes our coffees. Feeling like this is always have been our routine. "Beautiful what do you have planned for today?" Stephano asks. "I have two meetings with new clients and then I'm free for the rest of the day. What you guys have planned for the day?" "Well, after we get out of work we need you and the boys ready. We have a dinner invite with our parents. And we won't accept a no." Feeling like there was no room to decline the invite. I just nodded and finish eating. Getting nervous and feeling so uncertain on how they will accept me and my boys. Oh gosh what if they feel like im a gold digging female? The guys both realizing how flushed and nervous I look they start to both reassure me that everything will be fine.
      After they had left for work I bundled up my boys and headed out with Charlie to my office. The two meeting went by faster than expected.  Right when I was about to leave someone walks into my office. "Are you Ashely Langston?" Looking at this person with a confused look I respond "um yes, who are you?" Then extending his hand out with a thick yellow envelope he says "you've been served." Standing there stunned he hands me the envelope and walks out. I immediately open the envelope and its a letter and court paperwork. I read the letter and see its from Vin.
My dearest Ashley, so sorry I have to send you this paperwork. It's from that sperm donor. Hes basically wanting 50/50 custody. Im so sorry. I have no other choice but to send you these papers. Please understand he can file kidnapping charges against you. Please call me when you can. Love you and my nephews Vin.
Standing there frozen, I began to cry. How can he do this. He didn't even want them. He said it himself. Calling Stephano knowing that Angelo was swamped with patients. He answered immediately. Trying to contain my sobs I couldn't even talk. Stephano getting worried kept asking what was wrong. Finally able to say something I say "I need you please. I'm on my way home." "OK im on my way angel." Was all he said and hung up. I hurried and pushed the stroller with my babies and  Charlie walking beside us home. Once there I got my boys out and held them tightly in my arms. I kept in crying and held them, not knowing what would happen or if I could actually loose my boys. Stephano got here pretty quickly. He walked in and saw how much I was sobbing and kneeled down in front of me. "Angel whats wrong?" "The papers are in my purse." He got up and took them out. Watching his reaction, I saw how he looked like he could choke someone. He walked over and hugged me and my boys. "I will never let that bastard take out boys away. Im going to make a call. Get ready we have to go somewhere." Him taking Damien in his arms I held on to Dante and went to my room and cleaned up my face. Afterwards I went back to the living room place Dante in his carseat and bundling him up I grabbed my purse and the diaper bag, Stephano already had Damien strapped in the carseat base. I hurried up and secured Dante. Caught up in my thoughts I didn't even notice the beautiful mansion we drove up to. Getting out the car and looking up at the beautiful home in front of me I was so amazed.  Turning around and opening the back passenger door I unbuckled Dante out of the base and held on the the carseat. I grabbed my purse and Stephano held on to the other carseat and had the diaper bag on his shoulder. Following behind him we walk up to the door. An older woman answered the door and pulled him into a tight hug. She then noticed how he couldn't fully hug her back and gasped. "Oh my who is this?" "This here is Damien and this mother is my girlfriend Ashley and Dante." Without any other words she walked up to me and side hugged me. I was so surprised. "Hi nice to meet you Mrs. Romano.  Its so good to meet you." "Call me Angela. Pleasure is all mine. Let's go have a seat so I can see these precious babies." Following behind her we took a seat in the living room. It was so beautiful. 
         "So I don't know if my boys told you what I do for a living. But I'm on of the biggest family attorneys here in the United States. I also was told about ypur situation. I want to know somethings so I know how to help your case and keep ypur boys with you." Being caught off guard and so surprised that she wasn't judging me but wanting to help me out, I started to cry. Angela reached out for my hand and squeezed it giving me reassurance that things will be ok. Nodding my head i wipe my tears and feel Stephano's hand on my back rubbing circles and comforting me. I start to tell her everything and even show her the text messages that he had sent me saying that he didn't want my boys. After everything she tells me I have a strong case and he basically is an idiot. Feeling a little better I hug her tightly and thank her for wanting to help me. After all the legal talk I unbuckle Damien and Stephano unbuckle Dante. I hand over Damien to her and she just gushes over him and once she sees Dante she starts to gush over him too. We have a great visit and wait there for Angelo to get there. As soon as he arrives he comes in and hug his mom and comes over to me and give me a gentle kiss on my lips and side hugs his brother. And kisses his boys on their foreheads. Taking me by surprise again Angelo turns to his mom and asks her the one thing I didn't think of him asking. "Mom do you think it would be better that she marries one of us legally so it shows that we have a very stable home. And its a permanent situation rather than a temporary one?" His mom taking in the question she sits there thinking and says " that would probably make the case alot stronger. And you can even file to legally adopt the boys as your own." I looked at her so surprised. Not even knowing that the guys have thought of legally becoming their father. So overwhelmed I want to cry but hold back. I dont say anything and just take in what they are discussing. Both men discussing on who would be the one to legally marry me and asking their mother if they can both legally be listed as the father of my boys. Not really taking in all the information I sit there and drift off in fantasing how life can become just us 3 with our boys and charlie. Would we add to our little family or not. What we would do for holidays. Lost in my thoughts I didn't hear Angelo asking me what I thought until I hear him call my name again. "Huh? Sorry I didn't hear you?" Chuckling lightly he asks again "what you think my bella?"  Stephano chiming in he says "yeah beautiful, what you think about all this? Who would you legally marry and who would you want to have a commitment ceremony with?" "Well, I know I feel the same for both of you. But I honestly would want to have the commitment ceremony for all 3 of us and legally I don't know." Everyone stunned his mom nods in agreement and says "well, I think Angelo should sign the marriage certificate and put in the petition to legally adopt the boys. And make a will that he and Stephano be legally binded to the boys. And have the same legal rights to them as Ashley. And in any situation that something happens to them the boys will be taken care of financially and as well as Ashley. And they will legally take on the Romano name and Angelo will sign the birth certificates and make everything binded and sealed." Wow amazed on how they want to have us as their family i agree. But I say "I want only the boys to be taken care of. And also I want to have it in writing that if anything shall ever happen to me that the guys and your family have legal rights over the boys. And they will remain in their custody." Angela nods in agreement and the guys began to insist that I be added into will. But knowing how I won't budge they just agree. A little bit after Mr. Romano walks in. Having that aura that screams I'm in charge. He walks in the living room introducing himself to me. I shake his hand and immediately he goes up to Angelo taking Dante out of his arms and gushes all over him. Seeing that my babies are winning over his heart. I feel so happy seeing that we are apart of a beautiful family. 

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