The sleepover

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That afternoon went by so cute yesterday.  We literally spent the rest of the day at my home. I made dinner and they men watched the boys. They played and fussed over them as if they were theirs. My heart was so full but then I had some doubts that maybe they would meet someone else and they wouldn't want us anymore. I couldn't let my babies get hurt like that. Not knowing what to do, I decided to finish making dinner and waiting til after we eat to talk and are sure we all felt the same way and maybe make a promise that if we ever end this that they would still be apart of the boys' life. No financial obligations just emotional.
  So that's exactly what I did. I make some spaghetti and garlic bead with grilled chicken breast. It was good to be able to make a full meal with out them crying and having to settle for a quick tv dinner or sandwich.
   After serving their plates I called the men over to the table and they brought their swings closer to us in the kitchen. Like always Charlie followed right behind. Having put Charlie's food close to the babies' swings he sat there and ate. The boys being content after their feeding and having been held and burped and played and help some more they were surprisingly quiet and tired. We all ate in silence. Once we were done, I was legit so stuff I could fall asleep. Hahahah. Getting up I started to gather the dishes. "Beautiful what are you doing?" Asked Stephano.  "Getting  the dishes why?" "No, Bella go ahead and go relax you cooked everything alone. Go enjoy a nice shower and we will clean up." Agreeing to what Angelo insisted I do, I went to my room and took out my pj's out of my drawer. And went to my bathroom to take the much needed shower. About 20 minutes later I got out and got dressed.

(This is her pjs)I went to the living room to see the cutest moment ever

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(This is her pjs)
I went to the living room to see the cutest moment ever. My boys in their swings asleep, Charlie asleep in front of the swings, Angelo and Stephano both passed out on each of the sofas. I went to the hall closet and pulled out two blankets and went quietly and covered first Stephano and placed a soft kiss to his forehead and then I went over to Angelo and did the same thing. I grabbed the remote and put on Netflix and started watching a random show, I covered myself in a blanket and sat on the single sofa and it was so homey.  I couldn't focus too much on the show and all I kept doing was begging and praying to God the universe that please don't let these men leave us. And we become an official family.  At that moment I didn't want anyone else but my boys and men. To say I have ever felt this kind of love I would be lying.
I got up to Damien starting cry I went and unbuckled him from his swing. All of a sudden Angelo woke up startled as if he forgot  where he was at. I had Damien in my arms and asked Angelo " are you ok?" "Yeah I just heard the baby crying and got scared. What time is it?" "Its late. Its about 11:30pm. Lay back down i got him." But of course right when I said that Dante started to cry so he got up and hurried up and picked him up. We both walked in the nursery and started to change the boys and we literally switched babies. After  I changed one Angelo handed me my other baby and he rocked Damien. After we were done we went to the kitchen. To my surprise there was Stephano making their bottles. "Awww thank you." Giving him a kiss on his cheek I grabbed one bottle and Angelo copying me tried to give him a kiss on his cheek. Just to play around and of course Stephano side stepped and just handed him the bottle. Chuckling loudly Angelo shook his head and started to make his way to the living room with Dante in his arms. "Are you guys staying til morning?" I wanted to see if they would stay not wanting to be alone. "Yeah only if its ok." Stephano said. "Of course. You guys can stay the night." We kept feeding them and right after Damien was done Stephano picked him up from my arms and started to pat his little back over his shoulder to burb him. It was so cute. After they both burped and fell back to sleep they both laid them back in their cribs and turned on their lullaby.

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