《 Night Lesson 》

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Bakugou and Y/N followed Aizawa and Masaru ahead of them in a grassy field at sunset, Masaru stopped his tracks "Aizawa"

"Yes sir?" Aizawa asked the angry king

"Take Y/N home. I've got to teach my son a lesson..." He ordered before looking at them, Bakugou knelt down and tried to hide in the grass.

Aizawa nodded before walking towards them
"Come Y/N" Aizawa knelt down to Y/N before turning to Bakugou "Bakugou, good luck" He sighed before taking Y/N's hand and walking her home, Y/N looked back to Bakugou, feeling guilty as Bakugou felt.

"Katsuki." Masaru called, Bakugou tensed up before slowly turning around and walked towards him, on his way he stepped down on his father's footprints and looked at their comparison with each other's, as he felt even more sad and guilty about the situation he put himself into before his dad saved them, he gloomily walk next to his side and sat down.

Masaru looked down at his son with a cold and concern glare "Katsuki, I'm very dissapointed in you."

"I know..."

"You could've been killed, you deliberately disobeyed me!" He continued to scold his troubled son "And what's worse! You put Y/N in danger!"

Bakugou wanted to talk back but he couldn't since he felt weak and even more after his dad scolded him, he was heavily breathing while holding back his tears "I was just trying to be brave like you"

"I'm only brave, when I have to be..." Masaru explained "Katsuki, being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble..." he added

"But you're not scared of anything..."

"I was today..."

"You were?"

"I thought I might loose you..." Masaru explained conceringly to his son

"Oh... I guess even kings get scared, huh?" Bakugou's mood lighten up a bit after hearing that "Mmhm"

"But you know what?


"I bet those rogues were even scareder"

Masaru chuckled at his son's sentence "Cause nobody messes with your dad..." he responded before grabbing Katsuki and ruffling his hair "Come here you!"

"Oh no no, gahh!!!" Bakugou then quickly tried to free himself from his dad's grasps before pouncing on him as both father and son started chasing one another

Bakugou finally pounced again on him as they both laughed



"We're pals, right?"

Masaru lightly giggled before answering "Right"

"And we'll always be together, right?"

Masaru's big smile slowly faded into a neutral yet small smile at his son's question as he slowly sat up "Katsuki, let me tell you what my father told me a long time ago..."

"Look at stars, the great kings of the past... look down on us from those stars..." Masaru informed as he and his son looked at the the dark night sky glittered with stars


"Yes... so whenever you feel lost... just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you..."

《 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐭 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞. ᵏᵃᵗˢᵘᵏⁱ ᵇᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒWhere stories live. Discover now