《 Frustration 》

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"Chisaki? You mean the bastard criminal?" Katsuki questioned in disbelief. He swore the last person he saw, besides the rogues, was Shio.

"Yes. He disguised as Shio and crowned himself king...!" Y/N informed to him. She was mad whenever she would hear the word king and Chisaki in the same sentence.

"What did he do?" Katsuki asked sternly since he knew about how dangerous he was from what he heard. This was the first where Katsuki had finally started to care about his kingdom situation.

"He let the rogues take over the Pride Lands"


"Everything is destroyed, there's no food, no water. Bakugo, if you don't do something soon, everyone will starve...!" Y/N explained in a stern voice, hoping that her journey to find help wasn't a waste, along with setting everything she could right.

Katsuki frowned in denial, even with the problem his home had, he still didn't want to face his past and trauma memory, along with the guilt that he had carried and forgotten through his years. Despite his childhood love's concern and encouragement. He admitted that he still wasn't brave enough to face it. "I can't go back..."

"Why?!" Y/N exclaimed in slight aggravation. She had enough of his secret reason, because why was it so deep that he has to hide it from her.

"You wouldn't understand..." Katsuki hopped off his hammock and tried to leave. He wasn't annoyed from Y/N's questions because she just wanted to knew because she was concerned. He wanted to keep it hidden from her because he was worried that his reason will make her turn his back on him.

"What wouldn't I understand?!" Y/N exclaimed in slight worried frustration.

"No no no, it doesn't matter..." Katsuki tried to speak before he tried to find something to say to make this less awkward "Hakuna Matata" he blurted out.

"What...?" She asked confusingly.

"Hakuna Matata. It's something I learned out here." He explained, always remembering his friends' motto whenever he was troubled before he changed his tone to tell her "Look, sometimes bad things happen..."

"Katsuki...!" Y/N jerked in, being frustrated at his change of attitude.

"And there's nothing you can do about it. So why worry?" He explained irritatedly, he was now annoyed at Y/N's attemps to convince him, without knowing his past problems.

"Because it's your responsibility...!" Y/N exclaimed.

Katsuki stopped his tracks before glaring back at Y/N to argue "Well, what about you? You left!"

"I left to find help!" She yelled back. Y/N was all the annoyed. Bakugou wouldn't still admit he was going to be king. "And then I found you! Don't you understand? You're our only hope!" She affirmed, her eyes sternly pleaded.


"What's happen to you? You're not the Bakugou I remembered." She stated. She couldn't believe what was coming back at her, arguments were already the last thing she wanted between the two of them.

"... you're right. I'm not. Now are you happy?" He spat back. She could tell he was serious and unconcerned by the kingdom's situation even after the begging.

"No, just dissapointed." She sternly responded as she watched Bakugo going off to leave before he let a remark at her.

"You know, you're starting to sound like my old man." He remarked before he was about to leave. The soft atmosphere they before had was now an aura of discontent and aversion, all because Bakugou wouldn't admit to his true self.

"Good. Atleast one of us does." She asserted.

Bakugo stopped his tracks before he turned around and fumed at her at the mention. He was vexed that Y/N had brought it up, being shameless about his dead father. But in all honesty, it was his fault for bringing it up and Y/N just used her words to defend the fact.
"Listen! You think you can just show up in my life and tell me what to do?!" He screamed at her in aggrievance, he blew a fuse at this point before he began to storm off. "You don't even know what I've been through!" He resented at her before he stormed off.

"I would if you would just tell me!" Y/N screamed back furiously at the tone that Bakugou screamed at her.

"Forget it!"


Bakugou stormed off to another area as he started walking and stomping furiously in circles while muttering seethingly "She's wrong. I can't go back." He uttered as he gritted his teeth in irritation. His eyes slowly started to look up in the sky, remembering what his father promised him "You said you would always be there for me!" He screamed

"But you're not... and it's all my fault..." he added, feeling guilty once more.
"Mina, we're leaving." Y/N sternly stated to her friend while Mina just came back around to find her.

"What? Why?" Mina questioned back. Feeling a little nervous that she had spoken so aggrivatedly.

"I said we're leaving."

Mina was startled by the angry tone. And better to listen to her than letting her going to blow a fuse. She nodded, feeling a little discontented that she had to leave this paradise of a jungle. But she also wanted to know what happened between her and Bakugou that made her like this. As Y/N quickly stormed off before Mina caught up and got the guts to talk to her. "N/N, is something up?" Mina softly spoke.

Y/N didn't reply but her quick steps slowed down for Mina to catch up. Her indignant self dying down to reassure herself to reply to her best friend. "What happened?" Mina asked once more.

"He still doesn't want to come back..." Y/N replied, her tone being more calm down. Besides her frustration she took out with Bakugou, she felt a little dejected to think about him.

"Talk to him...!"

"I do talk to him but he doesn't listen...!"

"You're just as stubborn as him. Just try to reconcile with him... You both are not that different!" Mina advised, she was trying her best to make Y/N really be honest to herself.

"How? I can't even deal with my own disasters back home, let alone deal with my childhood friend that ran away because of a reason he doesn't want to tell me." Y/N stated, feeling a little shameful of herself. She felt weak for not standing up for her pride, heck, she was the princess and her duty was to protect her clan, which she felt like she failed. Mina looked at her with empathy.

Y/N slowly started to walk away "I need some alone time, we'll talk later Mina..." she sighed before going off, her steps being a little weak.

Both Bakugo and Y/N felt that guilty for rejecting their supposed duty to protect the Pride Lands. Bakugo didn't have much confidence in himself to come back, Y/N felt pathetic that she had to just stand down from accepting her throne, but all really. Both of them just couldn't do things alone and their friends knew that.


Hello :v
I have returned from my one month sentence where I barely update.
I want to apologize for being inactive, I have been struggling with motivation to write or continue. But luckily I had some time to relax and finally cool off to continue this. Again. I'll try my best to update as much as I can. Thank you for understanding.

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