《 Travel Ahead 》

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Chisaki was in his usual bare prison on the dark side of the mountains, walking around while muttering about his miserable life, he kicked a bone that was on the floor.

Aizawa comes in to check on Chisaki to see if he isn't planning anything, Chisaki had something in common with the rogues from the outlands, so he was a bit suspicious that he was usually planning their mischief on timing. Not to mention the spy issue

Bakugou was never allowed to be in that part of the mountain where Chisaki lived, after his hopeless attempts of trying and being caught by mostly Aizawa. He saw Aizawa was going towards that part and being the curious and stubbord child he is, he sneakily followed. Bakugo was outside the place while Aizawa was inside and tried his best to be quiet.

"Chisaki, your rogues are at it again" Aizawa news on Chisaki

"Why does that have to do anything with me?" Chisaki replied while sitting on the floor and eyeing the man

"Well, you both are scums and they have been attacking where most of the animals are living for food and I'm guessing you told them that..." Aizawa explained

Chisaki glared at him but in the corner of his eye, managed to see a piece of blonde spikey hair outside of his turf, he internally smirked

"Can you blame them, they barely have food in the outlands, I'm just trying to help them after they devestated that disgusting elephant graveyard" Chisaki replied, knowing that the fragmeng of hair he saw was Masaru's child and from what he heard from his spy, the child was always looking for trouble, in his depiction, he knew that the child will be curious enough to scavenge that wrecked place and typically a potential item to use against the King.

And he was right

"An elephant graveyard? Woah..." Bakugou thought as he smiled at the cool thought, and in that he sneakily ran back to find his close friend to bring along


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Bakugou made his way towards the springs, he ran along to find his friend Y/N, she was sitting in small pool of water while her mom was bathing her, she was still in her clothes which was a leopard pattern tank top and a black loose cloth wrapped around her waist.

"Hey Y/N" Bakugou ran towards his friend
"Hey Bakugou" She replied

"There's a really cool place I wanna show you" He whispered to her

"Bakugou, I'm kind of in a middle of a bath" She replied stubbornly before her mom poured a small bucket of water on her.

Bakugou pouted at his stubborn friend

"And it's time for yours" Mitsuki said from behind, Bakugou gritted his teeth in panic as he tried to escape but quickly was picked up by his mom and dunked on his mini pool of water.

"MOM! OLD HAG! You're screwing up my hair!" Bakugou exclaimed while Mitsuki was roughly bathing him, she smiled at his annoyed face.

"Okay, okay, I'm clean! Can we go now?!" Bakugou complained as he stood up and fixed his hair.

"So where are we going? It better not be any place dumb" Y/N said, still sitting on her mini pool

"No! It's really cool!" He assured her, all excited

"So where is this 'really cool' place?" Mitsuki asked being intruiged by this 'cool place' her son was talking about

"Uh... somewhere, near the water hole..." Bakugou quickly lied, he obviously knew he would quickly get in trouble and would never leave Pride Mountain again if he was caught right there, his friend on the other hand was suprised about it

"The water hole?! What's so great about the water hole?!" Y/N exclaimed, Bakugou nervously smiled before turning his heel to make her shut up

"I'll show you when we get there" Bakugou whispered to reassure his friend


"Um... Mom, can I go with Bakugou?" Y/N innocently asked her mother, as she stood up and dried her hair

"Hm... what do you think Mitsuki?" Y/N's mom asked Mitsuki, making both the kids turn to her


"Please..." They both pleaded

"It's alright with me" Mitsuki replied smiling at the two kids

"Yeah!" The two kids cheered as they went to go out

"As long as Aizawa goes with you" Mitsuki added, making you both stop your tracks

"Aw, Not Aizawa" Bakugou whined

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"Step lively, the sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave" Aizawa said with the two kids following behind him

Bakugou and Y/N looked at the adult leading them, they were a good distance from him

"So where are we really going?" Y/N whispered to her blonde friend

"An elephant graveyard" He whispered back


"Shhhh, Aizawa" Bakugou hushed his friend, eyeing the adult

"Right, So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?" Y/N whispered

Aizawa was infront of both of them but heard them whispering, he turned his head slightly to look at them

"Hmm, look at you two, being too early for romance" Aizawa muttered, the two kids perked up about what he said, confused "With you being enganged and all" he added, adding more confusion to the both of them

They all stopped their tracks, as Aizawa slowly turned to them

"Engaged?" Y/N asked, not knowing what the word meant

"One day, you two will get married."

"Eww" They both say while looking at each other

"I can't marry her, she's my friend" Bakugou protested

"Yeah, it'll be so weird" Y/N added

"Well, you can't really back out of it, your parents arranged it" Aizawa said back to them

"Well, when I'm king, that will be the first thing out" Bakugou grinned proudly

"Not so long as I'm around" Aizawa argued

"Well in that case your fired" Bakugou argued back

"Nice try but only the king can do that" Aizawa argued back at him while kneeling down to his level and flicking his forehead

"Well he's the future king..." Y/N facted while Bakugou's was rubbing his forehead as his face slowly grinned "Yeah, so you have to do what I tell you"

"Not yet, I don't and with an attitude like that, you're surely going to become a pathetic king" Aizawa spat out as the two ignored his comment and walk further from him

"Huh, not the way I see it" Bakugou turned his head to face the restless adult


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