《 Team work 》

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"Y/N?" Katsuki uttered in surprise to see her already here, but then again. She must've went home after their argument. He just hoped that she still isn't mad about it and suddenly showing up would let her know that she was right to return.

She only turned her head from the mention if her name to see Katsuki just nearby. "Katsuki...!" She exclaimed while he approached closer to where she was standing, on top of a rock. As she stepped aside for Katsuki to take a good look at his once home land.

Letting the view be insight for Katsuki to dread at. Even the sight of his own home, Pride Mountain, made his eyebrows furrow. "It's awful, isn't it?" Y/N muttered, which caught his attention with a replying nod "I didn't want to believe you..."

"What made you go back?" She asked, also frankly surprised but also relieved that he changed his mind.

"I finally got some sense knocked into me..." He admitted, remembering his conversation and advise from Yagi a while ago "And I've got the bump to prove it." He huffed, still remembering when Yagi hit him in the head.

"Besides, this is my Kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?" He declared, finally understanding his rightful place as the King.

"I will." Y/N answered honestly while approaching closer to his side. It was clear for her to, after all. She was the princess and soon-to-become Queen. It was her noble duty as well to protect.

"It's gonna be dangerous..." He claimed to her in a slightly concerned tone.

"Danger? I laugh in the face of danger. Hahahaha!" She mocked, clearly remembering the time they got in trouble back when they were still kids. To which earned a pout from the blonde male.

"I see nothing funny about this."

The two turned around to whom stated it. "Dunce face, Shitty hair, Soy sauce face? And Racoon Eyes? What the heck are you all doing here?" Katsuki asked with a bothered tone nix with relief.

"At your service, my liege." Sero stated while bowing for shwoing his respect.

"Ugh..." Kaminari groaned in aversion at the dreaded lands his eyes fell upon. "We're gonna fight this Chisaki guy, for this?" He asked conceringly since everything was dead and gray, and claimed to be Katsuki's home.

"Yup, dunce face. This is my home."

"Well... talk about your fixer-upper." Kaminari lowly muttered before turning to Bakugo with a suring response "Well Bakugo, if it's important to you. We're with ya till the end." He reassured to the king, which surprisingly pleased him enough to get a small smile from Katsuki.

As they looked at back at the Pride Lands while dark clouds were nearing in over the land. An incoming storm for this fated fight that will occur.


As they all quietly and surely snuck into the foot of the mountain and quickly found a place to hide behind while looking at their first obstacle. Hundreds of outsiders scattered at the foot of the mountain.

"Rougues... I hate rougues..." Kaminari uttered in slight disgust. "So, what's your plan of getting past those guys?" He whispered to Bakugo, since he was the main man in the operation, he surely did have a plan.

"Live bait."

"Good idea." Kaminari remarked before realizing what he meant. "Hey...!"

"C'mon, dunce face. You and flat face have to create a diversion...!" Katsuki responded seriously towards Kaminari since they don't want to waste energy just fighting them off ahead of time before facing Chisaki.

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