《 !Stampede! 》

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(Warning: Pretty Sad)

Masaru and Aizawa were currently walking around the Pride Lands, they notice some commotion in the nearby gorge "Look sire, the herd is on the move" Aizawa commented "That's odd..." Masaru added but was about to walk until "Shio" ran up to them

"Masaru!" Chisaki called to them, getting their attention "Stampede! in the gorge! Bakugou's down there!"


Bakugou was still running for his life with the herd catching up to him, the herd kept on moving as the rogues were chasing after them but quickly stopped when they reached the ledge to see the show.

The herd soon caught up and Bakugou was now in the middle of it, not wanting to be trampled over, Bakugou ran up to the nearest thing he could see which was a dead tree branch, he quickly climbed up it and held on for his dear life. Masaru, Aizawa and Chisaki were running towards the gorge as Aizawa quickly ran ahead and slid down the walls and landed on a safe ledge, and quickly looked around for Bakugou. He quickly spotted him hanging on a tree branch that was bound to break.

"Bakugou!" He tried calling out to him "Aizawa Help me!" Bakugou exclaimed back

Aizawa looked around and saw Masaru and "Shio" sliding down the walls to another safe ledge they stood on "Your father is in the way! Hold on!"


Aizawa ran to Masaru as he was looking around in panic and quickly pointed to him "Over there on that tree!"

"Hold on Katsuki!"

Bakugou was still on the branch but he was struggling to hold on and slipping on his grip "Ahhhh!!!"

Masaru quickly jumped down and ran to his direction while trying to run quickly to him in the stampede as Aizawa was left with "Shio".

Aizawa was worried as they both watched Masaru in the herd but Chisaki had a uniterested expression "Shio, get more help! Masaru can't-" Aizawa demand was quickly cut off by him getting knock out by Chisaki as he refused and didn't this plan to fail.

Masaru ran and passed the tree before turning his heel to face the tree, he looked up as Bakugou was still holding on but a wilderbeast broke the tree which sent Bakugou flying, he thought he was about to fall but Masaru quickly jumped up and caught him and tried to run to safe ground which was on the sides to the gorge.

Chisaki was walking while intensly observing Masaru and where he was running to, making sure he doesn't come out alive.

Masaru carried Bakugou as he tried running to high ground but crashed into a wilderbeast which he dropped Bakugou as he tumbled in the middle of the stampede and avoided to be trampled as Masaru quickly picked him up and ran to a high ground and placed Katsuki on it but he was quickly pushed away by the stampede "DAD!" Bakugou called out, he knew he was safe but his dad wasn't, his eyes scanned back and forth for any sign of his dad, he was slowly losing hope until Masaru jumped out and grabbed on a wall and climbed up it, he was bruised and injured but that didn't matter to him because he wanted his son to be safe and even himself to be alive even if he was nearing death.

Bakugou saw him climb the stony wall and turned around to climb up a steep but sure road upwards, in hopes of meeting him there.

Masaru only had to climb up once more to finally reach the ledge...
The ledge where Chisaki stood on...

"Shio!" Masaru called out as both of his hands were still gripping the stony wall, he was tired and struggling to climb up any further, was hanging on "My friend, help me!"

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