《 Hakuna Matata 》

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Hakuna Matata
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata
Ain't no passin' craze~

Bakugou was starting to understand it more and getting used to the song before he starred in.

It means no worries
For the rest of your days~

"Yeah! Sing it bro!"

It's our problem free
Hakuna Matata~

"Welcome to our humble home!" Kaminari pushed away a leaf to reveal a beautiful scenery with forests, mountains and rivers.

"You live here?" Bakugou asked, suprised and amazed at the scenery.

"We live where ever we want!"
"Yup, home is where you rest!"


They all took Bakugou around the place as he was slowly starting to enjoy their company, they were touring around the place until they started to get famished.

"I'm starved!" Kirishima pointed out to his growling stomach

"I'm so hungry, I could eat a whole zebra!" Bakugou commented, resorting that he hasn't eaten in a long time since he ran away.

"Uhh, we're fresh out of zebras..." Sero responded nervously as he stopped but weirded out that how dragon people can eat raw meat with no problems.

"Any antelope?"




"Listen bro, if you wanna live with us, you gotta eat like us" Sero explained as they went to a log.

Bakugou was mildy confused of do they even eat if they don't like to eat fresh meat, and even wonders what Kirishima eats since he's pretty much a dragon breed.

"Hey this looks like a good place to rustle up some grubs" Kaminari pointed to the old log as Kirishima and Bakugou flipped it over, Bakugou was pretty much grossed out at the infestation of bugs underneath that log.

"Ew, you people eat that?" Bakugou asked clearly disgusted as Kaminari held a red slimy catterpillar "Gross"

"You sure, it kinda tastes like chicken" Kaminari assured, clearly knowing after he ate the catterpillar making Bakugou weirded out.

"Slimy, yet satisfying" Sero commented after eating a worm infront of Bakugou as he became nervous and more weirded out.

"These are rare delicacies" Kirishima added in as he looked at some bugs before picking up a cockroach and taking a bite "Piquant, with a very pleasant crunch"

"You'll learn to love 'em" Kaminari commended on Bakugou as he stuffed his mouth with bugs and showed Bakugou.

"Ok, What the fuck are wrong with these people?!" Bakugou thought as he was weirded out by their daily meal of choice and had to show him that it was that good.

"I'm telling you, bro, this is the great life" Sero said as he was grabbing bugs and placing them on a leaf-like tray "no rules, no responsibilities- ooh! The little cream-filled kind!" He added until he manage to get a cockroach before putting it in his mouth and munching on it.

"And best of all, no worries... well, bro?" He offered the tray of bugs to Bakugou, Bakugou having no choice, it was either be eat it or be hungry the rest of his life.

"Oh well, it's either this or nothin' Hakuna Matata" Bakugou sighed as he picked up a red slimy catterpillar the same grub that Kaminari ate, still lightly disgusted before he slurped it up and gulped it down but he was more weirded out that it wasn't that bad at all "Slimy, yet satisfying..."

"That's it!" They all smiled at their new member of their now foursome group.

They continued to live on their lives, Bakugou grew to like their company as they all grew up, living their lives with no rules, responsibilities and worries, Bakugou slowly let go of his past problems and worries.

Kirishima also learned how to use his dragon abilities such as his transformation, which they would use for traveling although they prefer to stay in that forest, Bakugou did survive eating grubs but still prefered meat and with that, he learned to hunt and craft weapons to use, he's pretty much the violent steak out of all of them.

Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
It means no worries
For the rest of your days~
It's our problem-free

Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna~ Matata
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata

Even though Bakugou lived his life with no worries and forgotten problems, it wasn't the same for the Pride Lands as it was completely devastated under Chisaki's rule.

The dragon leads couldn't do anything with they were being forced to hunt or find prey for the rogues, they were slaves.

Aizawa, who used to be the king's right hand adviser, was now in prison in the throne room, his now intent to listen or speak formally was now replaced with muttering complaints.

Chisaki also placed a rule to never say Masaru's name in his presence since he was now and only the king.

Mitsuki couldn't fight back at them even if she wanted too, for now she leaded the dragons and the people to hunt, which they didn't because everything was dead and devastated, with only little food and less water to sustain them.

Chisaki was in throne room, he ate most of the food they hunted, it was quiet until the three rogues, Shigiraki, Dabi ,and Toga came in to deal with something.

"Hey Overhaul, we have a bone to pick with you!" Toga exclaimed with an angry tone in her voice, Chisaki rolled his eyes as he stood up since he knew this will be another complain

"I'll deal with this" Shigiraki muttered to Dabi before speaking up to Chisaki "Overhaul, there's no food and no water" Shigiraki re-informed "Yeah! It's dinner time! And we ain't go no stickin' entreis" Toga complained once more

"Ugh... it's the dragons' job to do the hunting" Chisaki groaned in annoyance about this issue again, ever since he became king, Mitsuki and the dragons refused to hunt nor listen to him.

"Yeah, but they won't go hunt!" Toga responded

"Ugh... eat Aizawa"

"Oh no no no, don't even think about it, I'm too dry for your taste" Aizawa defended himself from his prison cell

"Whatever you say, Aizawa..." Chisaki groaned as he turned his back

"Geez, and I thought things were bad under Masaru" Shigiraki muttered to the two

"What did you say?!" Chisaki glared at them upon hearing that name

"I said Masa-" Shigiraki was about to say before Dabi hit him in the chest to not continue it "I-I said que pasa?"

"Good. Now get out" Chisaki demanded as he pointed to the cave opening, they quickly scurried off to leave, befor Toga stopped

"Yeah, but we're still hungry?"



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