《 Morning Lesson 》

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Somewhere in the dark side of Pride Mountain, lives Kai Chisaki, a rogue of the kingdom, he was usually scheming and/or plotting with his times while the King or Queen usually check up on him from time to time.

"Life is unfair... I will never will be king..." Chisaki groaned while he was fiddling with a mouse that was trying to escape with his grasp

"And you... will never see the light of day again" he snickered, he entrapped the mouse in his fist

Chisaki was a cruel and modest man, he was known for committing some murders and placed on the dungeons of Pride Mountain, which was underneath it, it had little sunlight come through, so he had to rely on a fire to keep himself warm through the harsh cold nights, occasionally he would be checked by one of the king's servants to make sure he wasn't up to something, but because of the lack of security, Chisaki sometimes manage to escape to do whatever then come back like nothing happened.

"Chisaki." Aizawa, a loyal servant of the king, came down to him, Chisaki frowned as he let the scared little mouse go

"Look Aizawa, you made me lose my company" Chisaki groaned again

"You would've killed it anyways, it's why you're in this part of the kingdom." Aizawa retorted at the man

"What do you want?" Chisaki asked the stern man while standing up

"The King wants to get through with you." Aizawa answered blunty from his standing point

"Ooh, I quiver with fear" Chiasaki sarcastically responded

"Chisaki." Masaru then came in, on timing, according to Aizawa, he entered to confront Chisaki

"Well, well, if it isn't the King, descending from the high to mingle with the commoners..." Chisaki greeted

"Mitsuki and I didn't see you at the presentation of Katsuki" Masaru sternly spoke about the small situation, his concern about it was that Chisaki usually schemes and it's always dangerous, even though it was dangerous to let him out, he wants to make sure Chisaki wasn't plotting since they're have been a few cases where it had Chisaki's name written on it

"And... why should I bother myself on that little shit's coronation?" Chisaki responded unamused at all about it "I was simply just being a loner in here since nobody wants to see a crimimal rogue"

"You're right, they wouldn't, but should atleast know about that situation, a new king..." Masaru replied on Chisaki's unamused tone

"Like I'll live for that long enough to care about that" Chisaki turned his back to leave

"Chisaki, I know you're using someone as your spy in the Pride Lands and I'm not talking about one of the rogues in the Outlands" Masaru said with a more serious tone of voice

"He's right, you strangely know everything about what's happening, from rogue attacks to the kingdom's issues" Aizawa explained

"Heh, didn't think you would notice..." Chisaki snickered at their correct suspision, Chisaki indeed have a spy to tell him everything going on, his spy was a very very young innocent girl who was forced into this by his deadly threats, she would occasionally manage to go to his cavern and tell him about everything she knew at his demand.

"Hm... well continue this topic later on, it's not like you'll tell us about it either way..." Masaru assured sternly, before turning his direction to leave. Aizawa gave one last glare at Chisaki before following the king.


It was currently night time in the kingdom, as the calm night sky covered the slumber of the creatures in the Pride Lands, from the relaxing humans to the snoring dragons, everything was peaceful as rain was forming and showered over the kingdom, the elder from before, Toshinori, was in his giant tree with the thick leaves as a roof to shield his from the pouring rain and a large area from the tree that he serves as a room.

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