《 Childhood Reunion 》

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Y/N stood up and backed away from him in confusion to how this stranger knew her name.

"Is that really you?"

"Who... are you?" She question, although the person did look familiar to her, she only asked to clear her theory.

Kirishima and Mina took notice of the sudden stop and also stopped fighting as well to watch them.

"It's me! Bakugou!" He rapidly answered, in hopes that his long childhood friend remembered him.

"Bakugou?" She questioned before her face slowly lit up from the realization that this infact is her childhood best friend.

"Woaaahhh!!!" They both cheered as their audience was mighty confused, especially since both just viciously fought each other a while ago and now are just cheering like they we're friends, Kaminari and Sero had there jaw dropped and Kirishima and Mina just looked perplexed at them.

"Where did- where did you come from?-"
"It's great to see you-"
"-Wow! Uh. why are you here?-"
"What are you doing here?-"
"What do you mean what am I doing here? What are you doing here?-"

They both bombarded each other with questions.

"HEY! What's going on here?!?!" Kaminari exclaimed, finally getting their attention.

"Y/N, she's my best friend!" Bakugou replied with a grin making them shock at his sudden nice-ness


"Oi, you two dumbasses, get over here!" Sero got out of his hiding spot and approached the two, Kirishima walked up to them as he slowly detransformed.

"Mina! C'mon!" Y/N called, Mina walked to them as she slowly detransformed as well before approaching the two.

"Well a friend of Bakubro is a friend of ours, I'm Kirishima!" Kirishima gave them a proud grin.

"I'm Sero, please to make your aquaintance" Sero bowed

"The pleasure is all mine" Y/N gave them a nod

"Kaminari, I guess?" Kaminari introduced and was weirded out by the fact that we forgot that they were enemies a while ago.

"I'm Mina! A friend of Y/N!" Mina smiled then looked at Bakugou "So he's the one you've been fussing about" She pointed at him.

"Yes Mina" Y/N confirmed before turning to him and was about to say something until Kaminari spoke up

"Woah woah, first she wants to kill me" Kaminari spoke up and referred to Mina "and now we're friends? Am I missing something here?!"

"Relax Kamibro" Kirishima calmed him down and let Y/N speak

"Wait till' everyone finds out you've been here all this time!" Y/N joyfully said but that made Bakugou slightly worry as his smile slowly dropped "And your mother, what will she think...?"

"She doesn't have to know, nobody has to knoe " Bakugou tried to protest, he still didn't want to go back since he was still afraid of facing his past and problem, he thought that "Shio" told him about everything that happened at the stampede.

"Of course they do! everyone thinks your dead!" Mina joined in as Y/N nodded

"They do?"

"Yeah... We know about the stampede..." Y/N said feeling downed and sad about Masaru's fate.

"He told them..."Bakugou muttered so no one could hear him, he wanted to know if he also told them about his father and why did he die "What else did he tell you...?"

《 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐭 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞. ᵏᵃᵗˢᵘᵏⁱ ᵇᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒWhere stories live. Discover now