《 Similar Feelings》

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Y/N grew up to be warrior-like yet caring, kinda like Bakugou, which everytime she would get mad, it would remind her of him which she would immediately feel guilty and idiotic of why she was getting mad in the first place. Y/N was still friends with Mina and some of her friends as they all despised Chisaki that much that they wanted to lead a rebellion but they knew better to find help rather than fighting them head on.

Mina grew up and learned to use her dragon abilities as she would help Y/N hunt for their survival, Y/N also grew up to be an expert at hunting and crafting.

Y/N and Mina were behind Pride Mountain in their hang out spot while eating some of the meat they hunted but they needed to conserve some of it as the herds started moving on, meaning less food.

"Y/N, you good?" Mina asked while she was laying her back against the wall and biting the last piece of the meat she was eating.

"No. I don't know how long I can stand that man" Y/N replied clearly troubled and annoyed, she grew up living under his unfair rule as rogues would constantly try to attack her.

"Still haven't moved on?" Mina joked unamused while Y/N side-glared her, Mina knew that she was still not over Bakugou's "death" ever since she heard about it.

"I will kill you for saying that"

"You sound like him"

"Fuck! This is frustrating!"

"Hey! Calm down! We'll find a way through this besides we'll eventually leave to find help if we could finally have the chance to escape"


Y/N does release a bit of temper but knows how to slow it down, she tends to be caring and protective of her family and friends.

Y/N let out a sigh before leaning her head against the wall and started to think of thoughts that will calm her down as it slowly drifted off to a small tune

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Y/N let out a sigh before leaning her head against the wall and started to think of thoughts that will calm her down as it slowly drifted off to a small tune.


"Heck, I am stuffed" Kaminari burped as he and his squad were laying in the grass looking at the night sky

"Same, thanks for the meal hunt you both went on" Sero said as he was talking to Kirishima and Bakugou since they both went on a hunting spree earlier for food.

They all let out a sigh of content and continued to relax until Kirishima spoke up

"Do you guys ever wonder why stars just stay up there, like what do they do and stuff?" He nochalantly questioned while looking at the starry night forming constellations.

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