《 Fight and Life 》

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"Did we really have to wake up this early? It's still mid-dawn! And I'm hungry!" Mina complained after Y/N woke her up from last night.

"It was a good chance to take, Mina! We needed to leave at some point either way!"
Y/N argued, considering that they we're already far beyond the Pride Lands with Pride Mountain still in a far distance from them.

"Still! But you do have a point in going at this time where nobody is barely awake" Mina confirmed about her friend's logic.
"Although, we're still going to have to walk since my dragon form takes too much energy for me to transform"

"I'll be fine with that" Y/N replied as they both continue going on their way while taking some breaks from time to time with what they have left of food and water.

Last Night

Y/N was on the foot of Pride Mountain, she was always on the move and on guard to go back home, she was climbing the rocky steps and reached a platform where she quickly hid behind a giant rock because they were some rogues on the platform, they were on patrol.

"I heard that Overhaul is planning to pull on someone from those dragons, so they can fully obey him" one of them gossiped

Y/N was shocked and angry at what that bastard was planning, he was going to force someone from her family to be with him for his own advantage and control over her family.

"Woah, that's crazy, who?"
"Definetely not the queen, too stubborn to do anything, I think I heard that it could be that princess, you know the one who kept fighting about the food situation?"
"Oh her"

Y/N was afraid and shocked about that person's fate, but not only because that person will be Chisaki's tool but also because it was the person that Y/N never expected...


She could not believe that Chisaki was going to use her against her family, the people she cared about, she was not going to give in, as her duty to be a princess, she must defend and serve her people no matter what but she knew that he will threat her to give in. And with that seeming amount of rage building up inside her, she slowly came out of her hiding place.

"Oh look, looks like the little princess was listening to our little talk"
"We shouldn't kill her, just restrain her so Overhaul can continue on with that idea"

Y/N was quiet, her bangs were creating a shadow on her face, shadowing her eyes, before she swiftly looked up and attacked them.

Two rogues were now unconscious and were terribly injured with an stern and mad Y/N towering over them, luckily she was able to calm down and tend her wounds before finally going to where her family lived.

She gave them a sympathetic look before going to Mina's sleeping dragon form on a bed of leaves on the floor. She silently walk up to her and started to stroke her head "Psst Mina! Mina! Wake up!"

Mina's eyes slowly open to look at her best friend, she yawned before she quietly transformed and started to rub the tiredness from her eyes "uhh... what time is it?" She groaned

"Moon is at 35 in northeast direction above (around 3 am)" Y/N replied, considering that they don't have clocks, they use compass directions on the sky to calculate the time and placement of both sun and moon.

"Man, it's too early!"

"Shhh! Mina, cooperate with me!"

"ok what's up?"

"We need to leave now!"


"We need to find help now, I'll explain on the way"

《 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐭 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞. ᵏᵃᵗˢᵘᵏⁱ ᵇᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒWhere stories live. Discover now