《 The Fall and Rise 》

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Katsuki could only feel fury in his blood as he glared down on the villain that ruined his life with the deceptions and lies that evoked him for years and now, Chisaki was going to face his consequences by the hands of the true king. With his glowing red eyes that glowed brightly amongst the flames behind him as he approached Chisaki, cornered.

"Oh Katsuki Bakugo, please, please have mercy, I beg you." Chisaki pleaded pathetically as he kneeled down nearby the egde, trying to weezle his way out, thinking that maybe his lies can slip him out.

"You don't deserve to live." Katsuki stated sternly, nothing more can cloud his head as his head was composed by the rage.

"But- but Katsuki, I- I am just a victim here... It's the rogues who are the real enemy. It was their fault for giving me that idea to kill your father..." Chisaki uttered in pressure as he began to selfishly blame his own followers. Unfortunate that the trio, Shigaraki, Dabi, and Toga were closely on the other sides of the flames, seeming to heard everything as they spitefully backed away in disgust.

"Why should I believe you." Katsuki growled. He was done with every word that came out of Chisaki's mouth. "Everything you ever told me was all a fucking lie." He seethed through his teeth as he towered over Chisaki, whom was now sitting on the ground as he backed away and held his fists slightly from the intimidation.

"What are you going to do? You wouldn't kill a person." Chisaki muttered since murder was an unforgivable crime even Kings wouldn't do. Katsuki had no sympathy but he wanted him to suffer as much to be alive after those years of being exiled himself. "No, you bastard. I'm not like you." He declared.

"Oh Katsuki, thank you, you are truly, no but I'll make it up to you, I promise. How can i prove myself to you? Tell me anything." Chisaki muttered irefutably as he stood up, trying to really weezle his way out.

Katsuki only glared and with a dead strong voice. "Run." He firmly stated. "Run away, Chisaki. And never return." He phrased only sternly, remembering those said words by him when he was exiled.

Chisaki was apalled by the demand since it backfired upon him. Although he expected something else, he reluctantly agreed. "Yes... of course..." He muttered lowly while walking warily away as Katsuki mantained his eyes on him, keeping sure his glare could see if he really was going to be true to his word.

"As you wish..." He muttered while pausing slowly, his eyes then turned to Katsuki. "Your majesty...!" He exclaimed as he threw a handful of burning ashes towards him.

"Aah!" Katsuki shrieked as the ashes landed on his face. The burning sensation of his face as he quickly swatted it off his face. Chisaki then pounced on him, attacking him with the chances he has. Katsuki immediately fought back viciously.

The two had a ferocious battle hand to hand, with clawing and wrestling in the circle of flames. It was a fierce battle between the conflicted and the conflict that will determine the fate of the kingdom. Unlike in the past, Katsuki wasn't a coward to stand up to prove that Chisaki was the true pathetic shameless coward.

Katsuki was knocked onto the ground outside the flame wall, as he looked up to see Chisaki jumping, ready to maul him while pouncing at him. Katsuki quickly got to his instincts and experience as he quickly threw Chisaki off him and right off the steep mountain side.

Chisaki tumbled down the steep mountain before crashing on the ground. Katsuki loomed over the edge to see what happened to him. Surprisingly, Chisaki was still alive as he rose up slowly, his eyes seeing them... Shigaraki, followed by Dabi and Toga came into view aside the flames with glares and grumpy looks on their faces. "Oh... my friends..." He mused relievingly as he stood up, thinking his words were just a joke to himself.

"Friends?" Shigaraki mocked, still found it unbelievable that he was this pathetic. "I thought he said we were the enemy..." He mused to Dabi, knowing they were finally in agreement of something for once. "Yeah. That's what I heard..." Dabi responded in a similar tone. Chisaki's eyes widened in fear, really knowing that this... really is the death of him.

"Toga?" The two looked over to the messy blonde girl. Toga only chuckled lowly yet maniacally before she sighed pleasingly as her expression morphed into a wide grin with deadly intents. As more of the rogues entered the scene with similar intents as their laughter of madness filled the air around Chisaki. "No! N-n-n-n I- I can explain! No! You don't understand, No- I didn't mean-" Slowly but surely as the end has breached upon him.

Being killed by the consequences of his own selfishness and deception was a sad fate but in what he has done, he deserved it.

The flames ate away at the mountain before rain started to pour down, putting out the flames that ate every tree that harmed more. The fog then started to slowly lift as Katsuki descended the mountains slowly.

Being greeted by Aizawa first, he had a small smile on his face to initiate how he was proud of Katsuki, bowing along as he passed. Katsuki only showed a small genuine smile as he was then greeted by his mother along with the rest of the pride.

Mitsuki could not be more proud of her son as she gave him a light hug to insinuate that, Katsuki returned it, which was a rare chance but it was a nice moment. They soon let go as Y/N came around, Y/N and Katsuki embraced each other lovingly with a light kiss.

Although the battle was over, there was still one thing needed to be done. Yagi, calling over Katsuki and gesturing towards the peak of the mountain. Katsuki knew he had to claim the throne now that the villain was gone, as he made his way up. The small crowd of his clan and his friends gathered below.

Katsuki was greeted by Yagi, whom bowed at him. Katsuki only placed his hand on his shoulder and patted it suringly. "It is time." Yagi stated, Katsuki's face furrowed with a stiff smile and a nod before proceeding.

With each step being taken stated Katsuki's rise up for his honor to be claimed as everyone looked in awe as he made his way up. The rain continued to pour down but Katsuki's pride could never be washed away after he found his way out of the deep and to the surface, to where he must take his place.

As he took the final step and looked up to the clouds to see a certain center parting to show the beautiful sky behind it, with Masaru's voice echoing through. "Remember..."

Taking those words deeply, Katsuki realized what to do, in his own way as he had a strong and proud smile on his lips. Then letting out mighty roar as it was a call to the kingdom that the King has returned and risen... The rest of the dragons roared along to speak lut the message that the King has taken his place...

Wounds heal.

Scars fade.

As the kingdom recovered from Chisaki's reign, everything became plentiful and bountiful once more, the animals and the people had returned home to the kingdom as everything had finally felt like a paradise with the rightful king.

'Til we find our place~

As the crowd below gathered for the ceremony, cheering loudly for them. For the King Katsuki and for the Queen Y/N, as they looked below at what their kingdom has become with their guidance. Standing closeby was their loyal companions, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina waving to the crowd by the recognition.

On the path unwinding~

Katsuki and Y/N shared their gazes on each other before touching their foreheads on each other's sweetly.

In the circle~

They both looked back as they stepped away lightly apart to let Yagi come between them as he held a young girl in his arms... The little one then looked at her parents awingly before earning their smiles herself as Yagi then risen her up to present to the kingdom of who she is under a new era of Katsuki's Pride...

The circle of


The End 

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