《 The King 》

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Katsuki looked up with a questioning face with hope as the deep voice of his father called for his name. Seeing up in the clouds was a figure of Masaru formed in the clouds as it approached Katsuki.

"Katsuki... You have forgotten me..."

"No...!" Katsuki quickly denied before asking "How could I?" He tried to reassure, thinking that he actually never forgot about his past and his purpose of his existence.

"You have forgotten who you are, so you have forgotten me..." Masaru spoke with a bit of sadness in his voice meant for his son "Look inside yourself Katsuki, you are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life." He stated sternly.

"How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be..." Katsuki reasoned, sounding a little desperate for any solution but returning just to accept his greatest mistake.

"Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true king." Masaru stated firmly as his light image amongst the clouds was slowly fading as Katsuki was looking up to him with a felt desperate face.

"Remember who you are..." Masaru's voice trailed off as his image was fading away to Katsuki's need as he tried running up to catch it "No, Please! Don't leave me...! Father!" He tried calling out to him while Masaru's voiced echoed through the plains.

Katsuki slowly stopped, not seeing a single cloud and denoting that Masaru's wise spirit was gone, leaving him staring off into the night sky.

"What was that?!" Yagi exclaimed, then catching up and approaching the serene Katsuki "The weather, very peculiar. Don't you think" He remarked amusingly, being aware what happened but wanted to play it off like it was nothing.

Katsuki, looked at him with low eyes and replied back "Yeah... looks like the winds are changing..." he remarked calmly.

"Ahhh, change is good." Yagi agreed wisely.

"Yeah, but it's not easy..." Katsuki remarked truthfully, admitting it was difficult even for him to do "I know what I have to do but, going back means I'll have to face my past... I've been running from it from so long..." He stated, admitting to his faults.

Meanwhile Yagi listened and internally agreed before taking this chance to... hit Katsuki in the head with his stick?

"Ow! What the hell?! What the fuck was that for?!" He exclaimed in annoyance since this was supposed to be a serene time for him to reflect, although Yagi knew there was more to this for him to learn.

"It doesn't matter, it's in the past!" Yagi chuckled, trying to make sense with that metaphor.

"Yeah. But it still hurts..." Katsuki complied with it.

"Yes... the past can hurt." Yagi assured while trying to take this time to encourage Bakugou "But the way I see it, you can either run from it ir... learn from it." He advised before attemping to hit Bakugou's head with his stick once again but Katsuki managed to grab it before it hits him.

"Ah! You see?!" Yagi exclaimed contently that Bakugo understood his term and advise with that little example "So what are you going to do?" He asked amusingly since he needed the answer and acceptance of Bakugo.

"First... I'm gonna take your stick." Katsuki amusingly answered while grabbing the stick that was already in his hand and throwing it away much to Yagi's displeasure. "No No No, not the stick!" Yagi exclaimed while chasing after it before looking back to see Katsuki running off.

"Hey where are you going?!"

"I'm going back!"

"Good! Go! Get out of here!" Yagi cheered loudly as Katsuki found new lessons learned while he runned relentlessly to find his way back home.

It was still early as Sero and Kaminari were both still asleep under a tree. That was until Mina and Kirishima slowly approached them since they wanted to ask them both something. "Hey... Kamibro, wake up." Kirishima whispered while lightly nudging the blonde male.

Kaminari flipped over and slightly opening his eyes to see the two human dragons staring at him intently. He freaked out and let out a shriek before Sero joined in the panic place. Clearly having no idea what was going on.

"Hey! It's okay! It's okay! Woah, guys! It's okay, it's just us!" Kirishima assured to calm them down.

Kaminari approached Kiri before placing a hand on his shoulder and goes "Don't ever do that again." He stated "Carnivores..." Dramatically.

"Well, have you guys seen Bakubro?" Kiri asked "Or Y/N?" Mina added.

"I thought they were together earlier." Kaminari responded confusingly, well maybe a little bitter too.

"Well they were before something must've happened between them since Y/N came back a little... upset...?" Mina explained, maybe a little unsuringly at the last statement.

Before they heard something giggle from above the trees, they look up to see Yagi croucing on a tree branch "You won't fine them here." He laughed, being in a good mood to share the news "The King and his Queen... has returned."

Mina looked enthrilled "I can't believe, Bakugou's gone back!" She stated excitingly, wondering what Y/N will think of it. Wait, Yagi already mentioned that Y/N also was coming back.

"Gone back? What do you mean?" Kaminari asked while looking back to the branch to see Yagi gone. "Hey! What's going in here?! Who's the old man?!" He asked, just pure confusion since it was all happening way too fast and from the fact that he just woke up too.

"Bakugo has come back to challenge Chisaki!" Mina stated.

"Who?" -Kirishima


"Who's Chisaki?" -Sero

"His enemy."

"The old man his enemy?" -Kaminari

"No! Bakugo has gone back to challenge his enemy, Chisaki to take his place as king." Mina explained straightforwardly at the three idiots before they simultaneously 'ooh'ed in realization and understanding the statement.

The sun was burning and it might have been scorching for the young king to run across the desert. He dashed across the endless plains of sand, it was like the odds were agaisnt him to return to his home, the place where he belonged after running away from the guilt he carried for so long from it.

He stepped onto the dry ground while looking around in disbelief as his eyes were looked upon everything he once knew as a child was dead. It was all dying. Even the corpses or bones of the leftover animals stuck out with no dirt to hide them in. Now he really did realize the massive change and consequences when Chisaki took over and why Y/N was so desperate to have him back.

He looked around even more, even the air wasn't as fresh anymore. Looking then forward to see a figure at the edge of the cliff, also looking around. Of course, he quickly recognized who it was.



Hello, it's me Ena. I have finally come back from my hiatus break. I'm so sorry for not uploading and the reason for it was because... I didn't really feel confident in my storyline AUs and the chapters I wrote that stuck in the drafts. But even if it might have been trashy work from my first one, you all still supported my works. And I just want to say. Thank you...

I haven't felt this appreciated for my work in a long time. So seeing you all still being patient with me, means a ton.

And for now, I'll try my best to keep up.

Really thank you for being patient and understanding. 🥰

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