《 Can't wait to be King 》

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I'm gonna be a mighty king
So enemies beware

Well, I've never seen a king of beasts
With quite so little hair

I'm gonna be the main event
Like no king was before
I'm brushing up
On looking down
I'm working on my ROAR!!!

Well, that was, far a rather uninspiring thing...

Oh I just can't wait to be king!

You have a long way to go Bakugou, if you think!

No one say do this
Now when I said that-
No one say be there
What I meant was-
No one say stop that!
But, you don't-
No one say see here!

Free to run around all day!

Well, that's definetely out

Free to do it all my way!

I think it's time that you and I
arrange a heart-to-heart

Kings don't need advice from little hornbills for a start

If this is where the monarchy is headed
Count me out!
Out of service
Out of Africa
I wouldn't hang about


This child is getting wildly out of wing

Oh I just can't wait to be king!

Everybody look left

Everybody look right

Everywhere you look I'm standing in the spot light!

Not. Yet!

Let every creature go for broke and sing~

Let's hear it on the herd and on the wing~

It's gonne be King Bakugou's finest fling

Oh I just can't wait to be King!

Oh I just can't wait to be King!
Oh I just can't wait~

to be King~!

Aizawa was left squashed by a giant dragon sitting on top of him, as every creature started fleeing the scene

"I beg your pardon madam, but... GET OFF!" Aizawa exclaimed as he lost sight of the two kids who started it

"Bakugou? Y/N?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bakugou and Y/N were finally out of Aizawa's sight as they ran ahead in relief

"Alright, we lost him" Y/N sighed out

"I am a genius." Bakugou proudly declared while pointing to himself

"Hey Genius, it was MY idea" Y/N snorted at Bakugou

"Yeah, but I pulled it off" Bakugou smirked

"With me!"

"Oh yeah?"

Bakugou then pounced at Y/N as they both fought for a while before Y/N successfully pinned down Bakugou "Pinned ya"

"Alright! Let me up!" Bakugou pushed Y/N off of him, Y/N was trying to look innocent while Bakugou was glaring at her before pouncing at her again, but they both tumbled down to a ditch and again, Y/N pinned down Bakugou
"Pinned ya again"

Both were then interrupted by a steam geyser, as they both realized that they were here, the Elephant Graveyard, their faces slowly turned to amazement as they climbed a large terrain with an giant elephant skull on it "We made it..." Bakugou mumbled, they both then look over the plains filled with elephant bones

" Bakugou mumbled, they both then look over the plains filled with elephant bones

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Art by me :v

"It's really creepy..." Y/N mumbled
"Yeah, isn't it great?" Bakugou responded
"We could get in so much trouble" Y/N replied
"I know" Bakugou chuckled

They both turn to the giant elephant skull
"I wonder if it's brains are still in there?" Y/N questioned
"Only one way to know, c'mon let's go check it out"

"WRONG!" Aizawa exclaimed clearly pissed at what happened before, suddenly appearing out of nowhere infront of the two, him pushing Bakugou away from the creepy skull "The only checking out you will be do will be to check out of here!"

"Aw man..." Bakugou groaned as Aizawa spoiled their fun

"We're way beyond the boundaries of the Pride Lands!" Aizawa said worringly but sternly since no one has ever gone this far before

"Tired face is scared" Bakugou teased at the adult

"It's Mister Tired face to you, fuzzy" Aizawa threatened Bakugou "and right now, we are all in very real danger!"

"Danger?" Bakugou rolled his eyes while walking past the tired adult towards the front of the elephant skull "Hah! I walk on the wild side, I laugh in the face of danger" Bakugou stated proudly before cackling

But he quickly retreated when they heard mischievous cackling coming from the skull, as three persons emerged from the skull still cackling to confront the idiots who decided to pass their turf.


Hey, It's me Ena, aka the Author, I just wanna say thanks for reading this despite my motivation issues on continuing this because of S C H O O L

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Hey, It's me Ena, aka the Author, I just wanna say thanks for reading this despite my motivation issues on continuing this because of S C H O O L.

And yeah, I'm might be drawing some of these story parts, hope you like it and This is Y/N, you can just change her style if you don't like, this is just how I see her in this.

Btw, during this time Y/N and Bakugou here are only around 8 years old sooo yeah-

Thank you for reading this ☆

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