12. The Aftermath- Revised

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(1901 words) (Sorry for short chapter)

Lance was still shaking some but it was better than when Hunk wasn't here. We sat huddled together on the bed for maybe ten or so minutes, making sure to stay close since contact had always helped him calm down. I was bloodied and hunk had a few spots of his own, but Lance was so freaked out that he hadn't even noticed.

If the bullets were any closer it would have taken much more for him to calm down and me and Hunk wouldn't have been much help, but luckily there was four floors between the sound. I hated seeing him in this state but no matter what I said I would help him through it. It always made my chest hurt, even if we were in the middle of an argument.

When he was able to answer a few of Hunk's question I decided it was time to get the chains off of him. I reached into James's pockets and searched for the keys, hitting other things that I couldn't find to be important.

As I unlocked Lance, I made sure the chains were almost completely silent, the building being soundless also helped and I had to wonder where the other occupants were, even that bitch Claire. It couldn't have been easy to make them all leave and that got me thinking just how long he was planning to do this.

Once he was free from the chains, we started to slowly get off the bed, each of us silent as we kept contact. In this state it could be the smallest thing that sets him off again. "Where's Shiro?" His voice whispered out tiredly, his tone so low that I thought I imagined it for a second. His body was slumped against mine as Hunk attempted to shift his weight to him some.

I didn't respond for a few seconds, lightly wondering the same thing but not really caring either way. He was a deceiver and didn't deserve any of our concern, even if deep down I knew that wasn't what I actually thought. "I don't know." I answered lightly, taking him through the living room as I turned to face Hunk some. "Do you know where Shiro is?" My voice was tight but I was still curious, our steps stopping just before we left our apartment completely.

I knew I was supposed to be angry with him. I was supposed to despise his very existence. But it wasn't that easy. He had ruined my trust, put Lance in danger, and made me hate him even more. But he also tried to help save Lance and he gave us the best few weeks we have ever had. It was frustrating not being overly angry with him.

I watched as Hunk's face turned into irritation, his eyes dropping into a slight glare as he looked down to the floor. "I don't care where that bastard is and neither should you, he's the reason you're in this situation." His voice was gruff and left not even the slightest room for understanding.

Hunk mad was something rare to see, and it made me slightly uncomfortable. He was the nicest man you would ever meet, so hearing him say bastard was so far out of character for him it was weird.

Lance tiredly looked over to him, confusion dressing his face. "What? No he isn't." Lance's words made me and Hunk look at him with confusion, both silently encouraging him to continue. If Shiro had mentioned someone going after Lance we would have been better prepared, even if it was me that James had actually wanted to get to. "James wanted Keith to notice him, so he took me to get to Keith. Shiro was never mentioned when he was telling me all about his 'amazing' plan." His voice was followed with a yawn, his head dropping slightly more.

I knew James had wanted me, but Lance's confession had sent me further into realization. If I just paid more attention to my surroundings, I probably could have noticed something off, but I didn't. I was too focused on trying to get Shiro to hate me to notice anything else.

So it was mostly my fault that this had happened.

Hunk's face loosened some although it was clear he wasn't fully satisfied with that, "so, why was Lotor here?" His voice was still heavily angered but confusion made its way through, his eyes shifting between the both of us though I knew it was more directed at me than Lance.

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