2. This Can't Be Good- Revised

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(3362 words)

I called an apology to Keith as I watched his body relax on the concreate, tears already threatening to leave my eyes. We both made a promise to protect the other and yet I watched as he fought on his own, to afraid to even move. At this point, there was no way I could call myself a true friend.

The guys in front of me were all sweaty and tired, huffs of deep breaths filtering through the darkened air. They glared at me with agitation, blood dripping from some. The guy that started talking the first time took a step closer, wiping the blood that dripped down his eyebrow. "You going to put up a fight to, kid?"

I looked back down at Keith and thought about it. He would have fought. He would have continued protecting me until he dropped dead, but I wasn't him. I didn't have the willpower to fight back, knowing that I would simply lose in the end no matter how hard I tried. So, with a heavy heart and a loud sniffle, I replied. "No, I won't fight."

I dropped down to Keith's side while discarding the bag I held and let my tears fall down my face, gripping him as if he would disappear as soon as I let go. I whispered my apologies over and over again, knowing he wouldn't hear them but hoping he would.

Someone grabbed onto my arms, attempting to pull my body from Keith's. That only made me tighten my hold, knowing that Keith wouldn't leave my side and if I wouldn't fight the least I could do was stay with him. I pulled him halfway up with me, making it harder for the person that was attempting to take me away from him. "Kid, just drop him." At his words I shook my head violently, more tears spilling down as the only thought in my mind was that I can't let go.

Through my blurry vision I could see car lights as someone began to pull Keith away from me, causing my hands to slip no matter how hard I tried to grip onto him. Once one final tug brought us apart I began to thrash around in the other's arms, forcing them to let me go for a split second only to grip onto my waist.

"Let go! Keith! Dejame ir, perra! Keith!" I reached my arms out blindly, trying and failing to get him back to my side. I would have gone calmly if I was allowed to stay by his side, but they wouldn't let that happen. (Let go of me, you bitch!)

"Stop it kid, you'll see him soon." His words sent no form of relief to me as my stomach ached with pain, the pressure of his arms pressing against my abdomen was less than appealing. I continued to try and release myself but a few more minutes and the exhaustion was catching up to me. I was never the most athletic person, but I thought I was better than that.

As I relaxed slightly in his arms, he began to take me towards the car, my shoes dragging against the ground lightly. The others seemed to have already been in the car and that made me question if they were waiting for us.

He set me down just outside the car door, allowing me to see Keith sitting on the other side of the car. If I was by myself, I would have made a run for it, but Keith was here and that made me want to cooperate even more. They could do whatever they wanted to me, but they had done enough to Keith.

There was a man in the back with me and Keith while two sat in front, none of which I fully recognize. The only sound in the car was soft music that played from the radio and the occasional cough. The silence only made me freak out slightly more. It allowed the situation to sink in further and also gave no hints as to what would happen to us once we reached wherever we were going.

I was tempted to ask all the questions in my head, hoping to ease some of my nerves but I doubted it would get me anywhere. They all refused to even glance our way, so getting information out of them would be harder than a man in a strip club.

I kept my eyes out of the window and watched as the roads changed, some twisting while others seemed to go straight for impossibly too long. If we stayed in here any longer my anxiety would eat me away.

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