13. The Best Morning- Revised

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(2229 words)

When I came from my sleep, I could feel the pressure of arms around my stomach and the tingling feeling of hair on my chest. A slight humming filled the otherwise silent room, quiet enough to not bother anyone but still persistent. My foggy brain hadn't put the pieces together just yet as my eyes cracked open.

A yawn left my throat and the humming stopped. The shorter male turned his head before shifting his body, the bed bouncing some but nothing serious. He had bags under his eyes but that didn't stop the though of him being beautiful. His slight bangs covered his forehead and fell into his eyes, making him move the pieces out of his way.

Another yawn left my throat as I tiredly looked into his eyes. "Morning." I spoke gruffly, my voice not expecting to be used just yet and one more yawn entered the air. I wasn't sure why I felt so tired, but I supposed yesterday's event were partly to blame.

Keith scrunched up his nose as he looked at me with disgust. "Your yawns are gross." His tone was only slightly teasing, causing a light chuckle to leave my body as I shook along with it. His eyes glared some and that look made the fog clear. "Hey, don't wake Lance up."

Those words, that look, it hit me like a brick. They were actually here. The two people that I thought I would never see again were laying in bed with me. It was surreal. I thought they hated me, I would hate me, didn't they hate me? Keith seemed like he did. He wanted nothing to do with me the last time we saw each other and yet here he was, laying in my bed with Lance behind me.

I lifted a hand to see for myself, the silkiness of Keith's hair ensuring that this wasn't just some sick dream that my brain decided to come up with. It also helped that he had smacked my hand away while a glare looked back at me. "You're actually here." I spoke lowly, somehow thinking that if I was any louder, he would disappear from thin air. It was a chance that I wasn't going to take, no matter how impossible.

He rolled his eyes, a scoff taking me back to the present while he looked at me with teasing eyes. "I hope so, we did run away from Hunk just to be here." His tone was like usual and that drew a chuckle from my lips.

A groan was heard afterwards and I quickly held my breath. Keith gave me a somewhat harder glare, his body also not moving even if I felt that he wanted to hit me.

I prayed that it was simply a sleeping groan but when a yawn entered the air the chances of that went down significantly. I went back to breathing slowly as I held onto the thin rope of hope, only for it to snap when a cold wind hit my back. There was a brief moment of stillness before I was looking into blue eyes, his sleepy smile causing a smile of my own. "Good morning."

His sleepy voice made me smile more, "good morning, Lance." A silent yawn followed after before I was shoved slightly in the stomach, Keith giving me a light glare as though I wasn't used to it already.

"Why does he get a proper good morning and I don't?" His tone told me he was genuinely upset by me not giving him the same good morning, and it warmed my heart some. I wasn't sure if it was because he was more tired than usual, but Keith getting distraught by such a simple thing was cute.

Before I could explain myself, Lance brought it upon himself to be the voice of reason, which should never be the case. "Because he likes me more." His voice was teasing and by Keith sticking his tongue out I could only assume he did it first. They were both like children when they were left alone together, especially when they were tired or bored, which I will never let happen again.

I still haven't replaced everything that they broke. Their lucky I didn't take it from their paychecks.

"I like you both equally, okay? So, let's get some breakfast." They both began to argue against me, claiming that I had to choose one or the other. At this point I wasn't sure if Keith was simply going along with Lance or if in his tired state he was more like the Cuban, but both options were enduring to think about.

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