15. The Date(part two)- Revised

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(1279 words)

When the three males entered Shiro's house, Keith went to the kitchen to make popcorn and hot chocolate while Lance was carried to the couch in Shiro's arms, the second tallest male still having flashbacks. The entire car ride was them listening to music as Keith drove and Shiro sat in the back holding Lance, making sure the chocolate-colored male felt safe and comfortable.

The tallest men cuddled up on the couch, leaving room for the shortest, and began to search for a movie to watch. Shiro, no matter how many times Lance told him not to, chose an animated movie to watch, Lance's favorite type of movies.

Keith made it back to the couch and set down the cups and bowl, finding the spot they left for him and making himself comfortable. Lance still had tears coming from his eyes, but he dug into the popcorn like it was the first time he ate in years, causing the other males to laugh. Keith grabbed his and Lance's cups of hot chocolate, leaving Shiro to fend for himself. No matter how much Keith likes Shiro, he will never deliberately show it, he has too much pride for that.

The movie soon started and that brought Lance out of his state of random flashbacks, some good and some bad, but the movie took his attention and he was as happy as ever. Being surrounded by the two people that make him smile no matter what.

Once the movie hit the halfway mark, the popcorn and drinks were gone and rain was heard hitting the roof and windows, none of them knowing it was going to storm. They were all tired but Lance and Keith both knew they needed to ask Shiro the big question, it was just a matter of when. They wanted to make sure he knew how they felt but they also wanted to make sure he felt the same way, that was harder done than said.

Just before the movie ended, Lance tapped on Keith's shoulder, the smaller understanding that as his que. Keith was leaning on Lance and Lance was doing the same to Shiro, which made getting up way easier. They both stood and turned to face Shiro, blocking the television so they had all of his attention, not like they didn't in the first place. Shiro was hyper aware of their placements and movements, wanting to make sure neither were uncomfortable.

He looked at them with confusion and wonder, not daring to say a word. The two-standing looked at each other before nodding, speaking in slight unison. "Will you be our boyfriend?"

Shiro was shocked, no, he was more than shocked. For a second, he even considered this to be a dream. His silence was not helping the nerves of the other males, and Lance as about to take the offer off the table when thunder sounded through the room, the shortest male covering his ears and locking his eyes tight, making sure he couldn't see anything.

Tears lined his eyes and he waited a second before opening them once again, making sure his heart rate was lowered. Lance was already grabbing onto his hand for reassurance as the other male stood in even more silence.

This was the first time he had seen Keith flinch.

Lance looked back to Shiro and in that moment, he knew if he didn't answer he wouldn't be able to, "I would love to be your boyfriend." His voice was fast but determined, letting them know he meant it.

Another sound of thunder boomed through the room, seeming to be louder than the last, and Keith's knees buckled under him, causing him to hit the floor. This time a tear did slip through and the movie wasn't loud enough to block out the noise that only happened every few minutes. Lance went down with Keith, enveloping the smaller male in a hug, Shiro's previous words not going unnoticed by either male.

Shiro stood from his spot on the couch but he had no idea how he was supposed to help. Lance was whispering to Keith and the latter was just nodding, soon both of them stood, Lance being used as a human crutch.

They made their way to the tallest man in the room, Keith now more stable than before, he was just silently wishing there would be no more thunder. He hated to seem weak, and this little detail about him put him in a state of weakness, at least that's how he likes to think.

Shiro closed the distance and embraced them in a hug, thunder booming once more, causing Keith to cling on tighter to both males. In this moment, while the movie credits played and the rain hit the roof, they all knew they would be happy with each other. Even with what they have been through, the self-doubt they had and even the doubt they had in each other, they knew they would pull through.

The night ended with them cuddled on the couch, a movie playing loud enough to muffle the sound of thunder and blankets wrapped around all three. Keith was the first one out and then it was Shiro, leaving Lance to look at his new found boyfriends with adoration, because this was the safest and happiest he has felt in the longest of times.

Keith woke up a few hours later, both men still sleeping and rain still being heard against the window. Lance's hold on him was loose and he was easily able to leave the couch, glancing at the two males before going to the bathroom.

He didn't know how long it would take for Shiro to gain his trust back. He wasn't sure if they would stay here or move back into the apartment once the police clear out. But he did know that he was going to try as much as he could, whether that be for him or Lance. He was going to try to keep an open mind and he was determined to go back to therapy.

He had always wanted to be better for Lance, but now that Shiro is also involved, he knew he had to take it up a step.

The black-haired male went towards the back of the house, stepping onto the porch and looked outwards towards the pool. They had been wanting to swim in it but never had the time.

He took out the pack of cigarettes and stared at it for a moment before taking one out. He stared at the cancer stick while bringing out his lighter, knowing that Lance would be upset by this step back but the erg was too strong. It was common for him, two years ago, to smoke when he couldn't sleep. He changed it for cooking or drinking coffee, but he guessed his body wanted this instead.

He watched the grey clouds pass while taking his tenth drag, a cough taking his attention away and making him glance off to the side, the smoke in his lungs slowly leaving as he stared at the taller. Shiro was leaning on the door frame, his face hidden by a shadow but Keith knew it couldn't have been too pleased.

He walked closer and Keith looked back out, the eleventh inhale causing Shiro to chuckle. "Last one?" He asked, his hand stretched out slightly and his fingers open for the cigarette.

Keith looked at the metal hand before breathing out, the smoke decorating the open air before following the light breeze. He brought the cig closer to the taller and looked him in the eyes with a small smile. "Yeah, last one."

~End of the Story~

Sorry for such a short chapter but I'm not the brightest and had no idea how else to end this story. I would like to make a shoutout to the people that vote and comment on my story the most, it makes my day and lets me know that this story wasn't a complete and utter disaster. (even though it was mostly used to procrastinate doing my school work)

I had a lot of fun writing this story and I appreciate everyone who left comments or votes, I might make an epilogue but don't get your hopes up. Thank you all for reading my book and hope you have a wonderful day/night!!! 

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