6. Beating boredom- Revised

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Ugh! I'm a fucking idiot. I just showed that jackass my tattoo. The thing that is supposed to be kept hidden until fucking death or imprisonment. Not even Lance has seen the tattoo.

Sure, he worked for Allura so he wouldn't go blabbing around, but that doesn't make me any less of an idiot. We work for him. Half my group listens to the bastard directly. Things are going to get a little bit trickier now, I can see it already.

I started to make my way down to the living room when I remembered about Acxa. I had no doubt in my mind the purple-haired women was trying any way possible to find where I had gone, knowing I don't just skip out on workdays without some type of notice. We wouldn't even be having business now because my keys were some-fucking-where.

I met up with Lance and we began to scope out the house, trying to see if there was anything that would helps us get out of here. Every window and door had either a camera or some type of security guard, making an exit without someone knowing was almost impossible. They even stood by the pool and backyard garden, something Lance had mentioned he wanted to walk through.

When we made it back to the couch, I mentioned about Shiro wanting to take us shopping. It didn't even seem like Lance had thought about it before he answered, my voice wanting to shout at him for not seeming eager to leave and my brain knowing it would just make everything worse. He was going to be as obedient as possible until he knows there is now real threat, and Shiro is still a mystery to us.

He was nice, sure. He didn't try anything on us and has treated us more as guest than his victims, but that made me want to trust him less. He could be planning what he actually wanted to do to us and using this as a façade to get closer.

"Hey, Mullet?" Lance's voice brought me back to what was happening, the television showcasing our favorite cartoon.

I hummed a response, feeling his hands pick up another strand of my hair and begin to twist it, my shoulder pressing into his thigh lightly. He had always enjoyed messing with my hair, complaining how his was too short yet never wanting to grow it out. "Yeah?"

"I'm bored." I rolled my eyes at his whiney response and then began to think about what he could do. His hands beginning to braid my hair instead of twisting it.

There wasn't much to do here. At our place we had bored games, video games, and we could actually go outside. Here we only had the television and the glass decorations that sported it. Although they looked expensive and usually expensive things were very easily broken. "We should explore." I piped up, turning so I laid flat on my back and could easily look at his down casted eyes, which showed confusion. "And break some stuff while we're at it."

His face shifted to unease as his fingers rubbed single strands of my hair. "Keith, he seems so nice, how can we destroy his home?"

"Oh, I don't know..." I trailed off as I sat up, his hands falling into his empty lap as he looked at me with an untrusting gaze. I walked up to the television and grabbed the first decoration that caught my eyes, the glass ball with white words flying in the air once I turned back to Lance. "Like this." I moved my hand away from the falling ball and smirked when I heard the satisfying sound of glass shattering.

He gasped before calling my name, his body instinctively standing up but not getting any closer to the mess. Worry and fear covering his features. "What if that was like, a gift or something?"

I shrugged, looking at the mess beneath me with satisfaction. "Lance, if that was a gift, then I did him a favor by breaking it." I looked back into his worrying blue eyes and wished he would forget about Shiro being mad and relax a little. The man was loaded, anything we break could be easily replaced and I doubted he had anything with significance just lying about.

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