5. Gaining trust?- Revised

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I was standing outside one of my many rooms, Keith and Lance on the other side as they tried on the clothes that I had. I made sure to get a variety of clothes but hadn't thought to go smaller waist wise for the men, most that I had seen not having such a feminine figure.

He still had broad shoulders and other typical male features, but his waist seemed closer to a female's. From what I noticed, it dipped in before going wider, though that was probably from his workouts. Even just looking at him you could tell he had his fair share of trips to the gym.

I had asked for a girl and a guy, figuring I would have less problems that way, and yet they brought two males. It was possible that they mistook Keith as a girl, his hair and body type fairly close, although his voice could never be described as females.

I wasn't upset with the mishap, but rather intrigued. Both males were an easy read yet at the same time both had mystery. Lance liked to look at the situation before reacting to it, which was easy to tell from the way he acted and how well he kept Keith under watch. The shorter, however, was a simple hot head. He acted more with his emotions than he did with his brain, though not to a dangerous degree.

They both knew things that the other didn't, and that made them a good pair. Of course, this was only from what I had seen the past night.

Their muffled voices brought me back to the present, Lance's laugh echoing into the hallway. I took a step back so they could easily leave the room and have more space between us, knowing Keith was like a protective dog when it came to Lance.

I waited a few more seconds before the door opened again, revealing a laughing Lance and a pissed off Keith, the shorter's face red once more. They walked out and stopped shortly, the skirt moving with Keith's hip before swaying on its own for a second. His legs were covered in tattoos and bruises, which made me question once more just how hard he had fought before coming here.

He looked at Lance with a glare and crossed arms, which also had their fair share of tattoos and bruises. "I fucking hate you, you know that? You and this damned skirt." He pushed the fabric to make it swing once more, the skirt moving up his leg for a brief moment to show words I couldn't catch. "Stop laughing asshole!"

At his exclamation I myself laughed some, joining Lance for a brief moment. My voice turned the head of the black-haired male, his glare deeper and now focused on me as Lance tried to wipe his tears away, only for more to come. He gave me the middle finger as he lifted his top lip in a sneer, his eyes fiery. "Whoa there tiger." I raised my hands in mock surrender, a small smile making its way to my face. "Don't get your panties in a twist doll, you just have to wear it until I go shopping."

My eyes looked him over once more, his legs in good shape and the skirt a good color on him, though it was simply just black. He had on an oversized band shirt and I was slightly upset with myself for not getting thigh highs to go with the skirts. I then looked at Lance, the jeans fitting him good and the shirt he had on oversized as well, the blue contrasting against his skin.

"Ha, Mullet, he called you doll!" He erupted in more laughter, holding onto his stomach as his slightly chocked laughs entered the hallway. There was no doubt that the situation was not bothering him as much as Keith.

The shorter pushed him roughly, Lance having to hold onto a wall in order to not fall to the ground, more laughs coming from him and soon a short snort. "Fuck you and fuck you. Go suck a dick." He stormed off, shutting the door he had just came from with a loud bang.

My small smile dropped, the view of him so angry once again taking my mind. "Shit." I whispered to myself, knowing I was supposed to get on his good side and yet I made him angry anyway. Gaining the trust of such a hot head was going to be difficult, but not impossible. I would just need to find the right way to do it.

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