3. Meeting the Boss- Revised

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(5217 words)

I sat at my desk as I checked emails, boredom the only thing on my mind. This time of the year it was more about work than it was about relaxing, shipments having to be paid off and new comers needing a background check. One slip up and everything was ruined, so it was important to place all my focus on it.

That didn't stop me from wanting company though. The thought of having someone to randomly come in and distract me for a few minutes or even stay in the room as we did separate things always making me feel jittery inside.

As I signed off an email, my curser ready to click on it, a knock came to my door. Knowing that my bodyguards never bothered me unless it was something they deemed important, I knew I shouldn't waste their time. "It's open!"

I sent the email before scrolling through a few more, hearing the door open and two sets of footsteps enter my office. I looked up and was greeted by two of my most trusted bodyguards, Steven and Cliff. Cliff looked scary even to me and Steven looked like someone who would help an old lady cross the road. "Sir, your guests have arrived."

I looked at Steven with glowing eyes, the most excitement I had all week was just starting. "Hurry, bring them in." I gave them warm smiles and watched as they nodded towards me, both walking out as though if they bent wrong the world would crumble.

I had asked them to get me two people, a girl and a guy, just so I can have a little more excitement in my life. Hopefully my guests like it here just as much as me.

~Keith's pov~

I was sitting between Lance and the male that held him back from me, anger still coming off of me in waves. We had been in the car for about an hour, darkness easily taking over the once bright sky, and I was still sat in disbelief that they had the balls to gag me. Not a rag, not some duct tape, a fucking ball gag.

My yelling went ignored by Lance and the others throughout the entire car ride and I figured no matter what I did I wouldn't be happy about the outcome. Now we were just silently sitting outside of a fancy looking house, twenty minutes already gone from when we first got here and I could swear that if I stayed here any longer someone would be having a bloody nose.

The house was big, sure, but not twenty-fucking-minutes big.

Just as I was about to bug Lance again, the doors opened, the passenger from earlier helping Lance from the car. The guy that held Lance back tried to pull me his way but I dodged his hand and went out Lance's way, not wanting to have the Cuban out of my sight. The other was less than happy about my choice and grumbled under his breath, making me smirk slightly in victory.

"Alright, follow us, the boss wants to see you." Lance's self-proclaimed chauffer decided to inform us, keeping a hold on lance's arm as he kept a hold on my chain. The douche had no right to keep his hands on the Spanish man, and if I wasn't hand-cuffed I would have made sure he couldn't put his hands on any man.

We walked on, the house's true value getting easier to see and the sight caused Lance to tighten his hold on my cuffs. It wasn't in a way to show he was afraid, but more to say that he was excited. The most expensive house he had seen in real life his friend Hunk's, and that house was only a two-story with three bedrooms.

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