14. The Date- Revised

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A/N: This chapter will not be as cute and fluffy as most will believe, sorry for small spoiler. It will contain sensitive topics, long sob stories, and a whole lot of walls falling down. Most of this chapter will be Third person point of view and in all honesty, I'm not even sure if it's that interesting, but for character development reasons and other reasons, this is a much-needed chapter. Also, I might make full chapters of all there backstory's if anyone is interested. Sorry for long note and please enjoy this chapter.

Two hours. That was how long we had before we needed to pick Shiro up. Just two hours. Lance was making sure he liked his clothes, which I wasn't allowed to see, and I was standing in-front of my closet. After the long and torturous day of shopping, I was left with trying to find the right outfit.

We were over at Matt's place, well, one of them. He allowed us to relax here for a bit because he was going to be doing work out of town, which was just our luck. It wasn't like he needed to be here just for us to leave once we picked our outfits.

I was beyond nervous for this to happen. While shopping, me and Lance talked more about this dinner and we came to the conclusion that we would consider it a date. The interaction that went down between us was way more awkward than it was heartwarming. On my side at least~

~Reverse Time skip to where they were halfway done with shopping~

I was waiting in the dressing room, wondering why Lance needed to be here, right in front of me, staring at me intensely. Against my wishes, we were looking at skirts for me. I wasn't going to wear it to dinner but Barista boy wanted me to get some, he said they suited me, "okay, give me a spin." He demanded, causing me to sigh but comply.

The skirt moved up my thighs and for a second, I thought my dick was showing, could have just been my eyes. "This is stupid," I huffed out, crossing my arms as a pout crossed my features.

"You're cute when you pout," Lance informed me but a second later I could tell he wasn't supposed to say that out loud. He waved his hands around like that would clear the air and started to send me words I didn't care to listen to, he just called me cute. Sure, he has called me cute and adorable on many other occasions, but those were to usually tease me and his reaction was never this server.

I just gave a shy smile, catching his hands mid-swing and effectively shutting him up, "Lance," I gulped, hoping I wasn't about to screw up our friendship, "I-I like you... A lot." I could tell my cheeks were burning red as I barely whispered the words that somehow entered his ears.

His eyes lit up and I was surprised I was able to hold the contact, "really!?" He spoke with excitement and disbelief, the smile almost freaky. "Like, you like, like me. Like, like as in like me enough to date or like as in like me enough to not hate me for calling you cute?" He rambled slightly, his small brain trying to figure out the answer to an equation that didn't exist. I understood where he was coming from though, it was me were talking about.

"Like as in I want to date you," I confirmed for him, seeing as his eyes lit up even more and then his brows got drawn in confusion. This caused me to mimic his second action, "what's wrong?"

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