8. Breakfast Troubles and Shopping Trip Mayhem- Revised

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(5302 words)

Waking up was never easy for me. I only got about two or three hours of sleep and it made me more tired than I was before, but this time was different.

When my eyes opened completely and a small yawn left my mouth, I acknowledged the loose pair of arms that were wrapped around my waist and the ones that were off to my side. My head turned some so I could see behind me only to be met with a Cuban's sleeping face. Lance always seemed so relaxed when he was asleep, like nothing could bother him.

I stood up slowly so I didn't disturb the other two and checked the sight before I left for the kitchen. Shiro's arms looked like they were trying to hold onto the both of us while Lance's draped around himself. Their heads were turned in opposite directions as they breathed together, the sight bringing a soft smile to my lips.

I started towards the kitchen and wondered what food I could make. I tried not to make the same thing two days in a row but Shiro didn't have much breakfast food. I could make eggs but Lance was never that big of a fan. Bacon was also an option but it had to go with something else, which was not available.

I thought about it some more before seeing the tortilla shells, reminding me that Lance had enjoyed my failed attempt at an egg and ham quesadilla. He didn't like eggs but explained that he could barely notice them in the dish, so I guess that was my best bet. It still confused me some, but so did a lot of things about Lance.

I gathered the ingredients that I would need and set them out on the island, starting to look for the supplies that I would need. The items I used yesterday were already in the dishwasher but someone seemed to have put them away, so now I was once again lost in the kitchen.

I opened one of the taller cabinets (with struggle) and stepped back some, noticing the pan that I had to use. Groaning, I hopped up on the counter, fixing my skirt afterwards, and began to take down what I needed. I shuffled through a few more and found the bowl that I needed, cursing out my hatred for tall people. They always had a way to flaunt their height, whether it be holding something above their head or putting things in higher shelfs.

I hopped down with ease, the skirt lifting some but not bothering me any. In the back of my mind, I thought about what would happen if I were to have fallen, but quickly remembered that I was an independent woman and needed no help from a man. Even if those men had muscles and were significantly taller than me.

When I turned back with the bowl in hand, I was surprised to see a figure standing far too close. I dropped the bowl and heard the glass shatter before I was falling down myself, my back scrapping the lower cabinets. I gasped at the pressure in my bruises, my back seemingly having the most pain. "Shoot, sorry Keith."

The taller reached a hand down for me to grab, resulting in a back-and-forth movement of my eyes only for me to ignore the hand with a scowl. I lifted myself up in protest to my arms as glass crunched under my feet, some pieces sure to be in my skin but nothing too serious. "What the fuck Shiro? Do you not know how to give someone some fucking space?" My voice was as harsh as usual though it didn't hold any hostile intent, this time simply anger.

"I just wanted to make sure you didn't fall; I apologize for scaring you." He took a step back, the space between us growing and so was the concern in his features. I raised a confused brow, watching as his eyes glanced down quickly before reconnecting with mine. "Keith, you're bleeding!"

Before I could look, I was being lifted off the ground and set on the counter, his body staying in reaching range. I looked to where I was standing and noticed the small pool of blood that took my place, more drops adding to it though they made a little pool of their own. It was amazing how I hadn't felt the pain when I was standing, but now that I wasn't, "fuck, fuck, fuck. How the shit was I standing? Fuck."

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