10. No Plan- Revised

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(2446 words)

"Pidge, please, hurry up." I insisted for the thousandth time since they got here. I knew my nagging would annoy them but I needed his location fast. If Keith woke up and we were still lost, he would hate me even more.

Ever since we lost Lance, he had been asleep, and I didn't plan on waking him up anytime soon. I knew he would need the rest, especially if we couldn't find him on time. Keith already didn't sleep well, considering I had caught him in the living room multiple times, so getting some shut eye would do good on his body. But I was even more worried and pissed about Lance, I could only hope he wasn't freaking out.

"What do you think I'm doing Shiro! It's not my fault you let him get Lance!" They screamed at me, their eyes not leaving the screen though their button pressing had gotten a lot harder. Their statement definitely stung, but I knew they were right.

I paced for a few more minutes, watching the screen change and numbers pop up but I didn't care for that, I just wanted his location. My phone ringing made me jump some, but I made sure to answer it as soon as I could, silently hoping for Allura. "Hello?"

"How the fuck did you lose Lance?" Hunk's voice called through the phone, my hand bringing the device away from me due to the loudness. "I thought you said he was safe Shiro! He doesn't seem fucking safe!" His booming voice was followed by glass shattering, reminding me of the first time we talked. Just thinking of Hunk mad sent unpleasant shivers down my spine, actually feeling his wrath was far worse.

I felt like I had let him down in some way, and I knew I had. He trusted me with the life of his friend and I let it slip away right next to me. No years of friendship would be ale to keep me from his anger in this situation. "Hunk, I know you're mad-"

"Mad?" He easily cut me off, his voice overlapping mine by a tenfold, "mad doesn't even begin to describe it Shiro!" Another shattered glass followed and I had to flinch away once more, Pidge still focused on their screen. "I'm fucking pissed at you. When you find the bastards location send it my way or he's not the only one going six-feet-under, do you fucking understand!?"

"Yes, I'll make sure to send it to you." Without responding he hung up the phone, his left-over anger still floating around the room. His aroma was strong even through the phone.

I sighed and placed the device down, a hand running down my face to try and disburse my frustration. I looked to Keith and studied his peaceful sleeping face, knowing that he was only ever fully at ease when he was knocked out. Sometimes I wished for the same peace when he was awake but rarely got it.

"Found it." Pidge's sweet, sweet voice broke me from my daze and I rushed over to them, a sadistic smile crossing my face.

His location was covering the screen in the form of a blue blinking dot, the area not one I was very familiar with myself. "I'll get some people ready. When Keith wakes up, we move out, understood?"

They rolled their eyes and began to send the location over to Hunk, knowing the big man would want it even if it meant my demise. "Yes dad, and just so you know, Hunk isn't going to let you have Lance, you know that right?" They looked at me with a furrowed brow, the email they got ready displaying the sent screen behind them.

I began to walk away as I gulped with trouble, my nerves skyrocketing at just the thought. "Yeah... Yeah, I know."

~Keith's pov~

"Lance!" I called into the dark abyss. It didn't feel like I was standing there, more like floating. I didn't like it.

He was just in my arms as we sat on the couch, our favorite cartoon broadcasting, but now there was only darkness. Not a trace of Lance in the air and for a second, I was terrified that I would forget him. I couldn't lose Lance; I wouldn't be able to handle losing Lance.

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