9. Eating Out- Revised

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"Dónde diablos está? Lo acabo de tener." I spoke to myself as I paced around the room, sure that I was just holding what was missing. Blankest, pillows, even clothes were tossed around the room so I could try and find where it was but it seemed to have disappeared from thin air. "Keith me matará si no puedo encontrarlo." (Where the hell is it? I just had it. – Keith will kill me if I can't find it.)

I was losing my mind just like I lost this thingy. It was a garagantilla but I couldn't remember the name for it in English, though that wasn't the point. The point was that Keith trusted me with the stupid thing and I had ended up losing it. He was going to chop my head off and hang it.

Although it should be his fault for trusting me with it considering he knew I couldn't keep up with things like he could.

We were supposed to be going out to eat soon and he claimed that this would pull his look together, which I had no doubt about, only if I couldn't find it, he would be pulling me apart. So, I was frantically looking for it before he came back in the room so I didn't die.

After a few more minutes of frantic searching, a cough came from the door way. I instinctively froze up in fear, the blanket that I was holding onto dropping to the floor. I held my breath and closed my eyes, hoping with everything that I turned invisible. I could not die before this dinner; it was going to be my favorite restaurant. "This room is a mess." The deep voice made me visibly relax.

I turned to face Shiro, his smile light as mine was nervous. He had his arms crossed as he leaned on the door some, my focus on his arms before I forced my eyes back up to his face. This was a matter of life and death; I couldn't be thinking with my second head. "Heh, yeah... I'm looking for this thing that Mullet gave me and I can't seem to find it."

I kept eyes on him as he walked closer, his head on a swivel as he looked around the room, as though he knew what I was looking for. I wondered slightly what he would look like with a neck tattoo but I forced myself back. "What is this thing you speak of? Maybe I can help you find it."

I took his offer with no hesitation, knowing I would want someone else to be in on it so Keith won't kill only me. "It's called a gargantilla." When he looked at me confused, I remembered that not everyone speaks Spanish, "I can't remember what it's called in English. It's like a necklace but way tighter and sits higher... a choker! That's what it's called, a choker. I lost it and I can't find it." He gave me a nod after my frantic words and we started our quest.

We searched the room completely. Blankets being tossed back and furth as I searched under the bed and Shiro on the desk. The choker was one of Keith's most sacred items of possession and if I were to lose it, I honestly wasn't sure how angry he would get at me. He always went on and on about how they 'completed a look' even if they covered up parts of his tattoos. I simply thought they made him look more emo.

He did look good with them on but he was way to overprotective of them. They were probably his only prized possessions. I think one time he even bit me for reaching for them, but that could have just been my imagination.

After what felt like ages of looking for the thing that determines if I see tomorrow and still not finding it, a hard knock came to the door. That single knock echoed through my head and when I looked at Shiro it seemed to do the same to him. We both looked as though we had seen a ghost. "Either of you care to explain why this room looks like a hurricane just passed through? Or am I gonna have to guess?"


That filled the room for a solid minute. Awkward silence. Even my breathing had gotten quieter in an attempt to make myself disappear from his view. This couldn't be happening to me right now.

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