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“Okay tell me, why are you standing there for so long?”

You raise your brow at your boyfriend, who has been standing at the doorway for 10 minutes.

You decided to ask help from Jangjun to decorate your place but for some reason you don't know of, he’s just standing near the door of your room. 

He gives you a casual shrug, causing you to grow more suspicious of his actions. You narrow your eyes at him but he didn’t budge, so you decide to drop the box of ornaments for your small pine tree. As you walk towards where he was, you fail to notice the growing smirk plastered on his face.

“Spit it out. What’s with the door that got you staying here?”

“Oh nothing... but you should look up though” He says and you follow his line of sight. You see a mistletoe, and it’s now directly above the two of you. You roll your eyes at him, but you happily give in to the holiday tradition. When you both pull away, he sees your smile and internally thanks every deity that brought you two together.

“Ahh baby, if you wanted to kiss me, you could've just said so, you know?” He said, meandering away from you.

“I-- You were the one to put it up there, Jangjun!”

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