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Jibeom was puzzled at the sight of a folded note that dropped from your physics copy.

There has been a buzz in your class that your physics teacher will take a surprise test. Both, you and Jibeom, weren't surprised about the test. The final exams are coming near and the tension about it was getting at its peak.

Jibeom promised to come over to your home and help you with some numerical but your mother asked you to bring the prescribed medicines for herself. So to pass his time, he started revising all the laws, solving all the important questions that might come for the exam. At a particular question, he frowned at steps he wrote in his rough copy. Checking the same question in his copy, he noticed that there were some mistakes he made. So he fetched your copy from the stack of notebooks to cross-check the problem.

Until he saw the note that fell from your notebook.

He picked up the note and unfolded it to see what's inside.

-When are you going to confess your feelings?


-Meaning... for how long will you just stare at him with those lovey-dovey eyes of yours? Don't think that I'm not aware of your feeling for Jibeom.


- Because what?

- Just because.

Jibeom's brow furrowed as he rereads the message, trying to understand that with whom you had this conversation.

"Jibeom?" You called him while running up to your room. He quickly placed the note back to where it was and turned around, facing you.

"Ah, you back?"

You hummed, walking past your best friend and flipping over through his rough copy. "How long were you waiting for me?" You asked.

"Not long." He replied as he took a seat beside you. "Can you explain to me this question? I don't think my procedure is correct." He says, pointing at the question he was previously doing.

You nodded and turn over your copy, quickly scanning through your notes. The note that was placed inside your copy once again fell. You swiftly picked up the note and threw it into the dustbin after tearing it.

"What was that?" Jibeom asked. You shook your head, taking his pen from his grip, mumbling, "Nothing." He scanned your face, trying to detect emotion but failed as you maintained a poker face. You snapped your finger, gaining his full attention, and started explaining, silently thanking that he didn't read anything. You didn't want years of friendship to go into the drain just because of your feelings for him.

Little did you know that Jibeom is trying to suppress his feeling for you.

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