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Silence occupied the room as you were sucked in the film that was currently playing in the television. A bowl with snacks settling in between you two and YoungTaek's arm is lazily wrapped around your waist, holding you as close as he possibly could.

Evenings like this were the most precious for you, when there was only you and him, close and no words needed. You looked at him smiling when he tilted his head facing you with a questioning expression. You just shook your head a little and placed a soft kiss on his lips "Nothing, I just love you."

You continued watching the film after, when a shock appeared on your face watching the two main protagonists kissing and shortly after being too intimate for your liking. You coughed and grabbed the remote swiftly changing the channel.

"Let's watch something else. It was boring anyway." A chuckle followed as you smacked his arms, hiding your flushed face.

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