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"It's not like you have to do super kinky things to me," Sungyoon mumbles, fiddling with his fingers in shyness. "I just want you to take control." He adds quietly.

"I mean...I can try." You finally agree, your chest tingling at the smile that lights up your boyfriend's face.

After sitting in awkward silence for few moments, you move up to Sungyoon's lap hesitantly, putting your hands on his shoulders, seeking for approval in his eyes before you lean in and kiss him softly. You're slightly surprised by his passive movement, completely giving you all the control. The words, I just want you to take control, kept ringing in your ears, prompting you to push him onto the mattress below him. He lets you do so, his hands moving to your side to grip the fabric of your shirt. You slowly pull away from the kiss, letting him chase your lips while doing so.

"No touching, baby."You whisper while pushing his hands from your side, waiting for a reaction. But Sungyoon simply stares you up, resting his hands next to him. The obedience surprisingly sends you hot shiver down your spine and you start to feel your dominant role in the situation as you lean down to kiss your boyfriend.

Your hands start wandering his body, taking advantage of his passive behaviour to feel every inch, the teasing touch having him crave more, but if you decide to give it to him will be a mystery for now.

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