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Another drop of tear rolled down your cheeks as you sat on the couch, huddled up in Jaeseok's arm as he pressed a soothing kiss softly to your forehead. He held you close to his chest and his hands rubbed up and down your back as you violently cried into his shoulder.

"He's an idiot." He spoke softly into your ear, and his heart crumbled even more as he continued to listen to your response of painful cries. "I don't know why anyone would want to break up with you. It's unimaginable to me."

You sniffled harshly as he continued to try and calm your cries, your hands balling up more of his sweater as you buried your tear-stained face deep into his shoulder. As another series of sobs and sniffles racked your body he pulled you even closer to him, removing one hand from your back and gently run his fingers through your hair in hope of soothing you.

"It's gonna be okay, sweetheart. I'll be here for you. Every step of the way."

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