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"Yes!" Donghyun holler, doing a mini victory dance while you groan in frustration, not able to accept defeat.

"One more time, one more time!" You clutch his arms, pulling him towards his seat.

"Just accept it, you cannot defeat me in kartrider." Donghyun stated, showing off his bright smile.

"No, no, no, NO!"

"Oh, c'mom. Let's just end this game." He requested, pulling your seat, bringing you closer to him.

You pout, crossing your arms. "That's not fair. You always win in every game we play."

Donghyun smiles, cupping your face. "Well there's one thing you have definitely won."

You furrow your brow in confusion, not able to think of one thing you ever won against him. "What's that?"

"My heart."

Your eyes pops out, shock registered on your face."Wh- what?" You flustered.

He leans in, gently pressing his lips to yours. When you part your lips slightly, he deepens the kiss. And that caught you off guard.

He must have sensed it because he pulls away. "Was that okay?" He whimpers.

You couldn't help but grin. "More than okay."

He laughs before pulling you into hug. Accepting the hug, you stay there, treasuring the moment, before you speak up. "Now can we have one more round?"

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