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Bong Jaehyun was panicking. You were not supposed to eat the cake that fast. And now, it was gone.

“Jaehyun?” The sound of his own name had him looking up at you, the panic and nervousness clear in his eyes. “Jae, what’s wrong?”

“You ate it too fast!”

“I what?”

“You ate the dessert too fast, and now it’s gone, and I’m so worried that you could actually get hurt-”

“Jaehyun, what-”

“The engagement ring! I hid it in your dessert, but you ate your dessert really fast, and you probably ate the ring, and now I don’t know what to do, I was going to propose when you found it but now it’s gone, and oh my god…” Jaehyun continues rambling, standing from his seat and rushing around, trying to find his wallet and keys, thinking that he has to rush you to the hospital immediately. You stand up after him, walking into the kitchen and looking around, finding a small jewelry box on the counter. You pick it up, opening it to see a beautiful engagement ring. You couldn’t help the giggle that left your lips. 


“What?” He walks into the kitchen, staring at you with large, concerned eyes.

“Did you mean this ring?” You show him the box and the ring, a smile on your face as you watch his expression go from confusion to relief to sheepish. 

“Oh.. Umm.. Yeah… yeah that one.”

You try to stifle your giggle, handing out the box. “Why don't you try it one more time?”

Jaehyun, nods, reaching for the ring box in your hand and getting down on one knee in front of you.

“So.. I know that sometimes, I can be dumb, like this… but I love you and will love you even more with my whole heart. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. So please… will you marry me?”

And with a nod and a smile, you launch yourself into his arms, nodding and kissing him over and over.

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