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"Wait what?"

You flinch as your boyfriend shrieks, covering himself with your blanket, forgetting the fact that you are completely naked.

"You took Jangjun's airpod?" Bomin whisper yell, gawking at you as if you have a hole in your head.

"Well, I took his airpod because I need to concentrate on my assignment. I have kind of forgotten that you were gonna come." You sheepishly explained.

"I agreed to have sex with you because I thought you made sure he had his airpod on!"

You stare at him, "You are making me feel like I just took advantage of you." You said as a matter of fact.

"Well, now I'm feeling like you took advantage of me!"

You sigh, pinching your nose in frustration. "Bomin... Oh god, I cannot believe that we are having this conversation."

A sharp knock on your bedroom door brought you and Bomin's attention. "Oye, give me my airpod."

Bomin gave you a quick wide-eyed look before stepping out from your bed, finding his clothes.

"Bomin, give him the airpod." You said, reaching out for the airpod case on the nightstand.

"What?" He whisper-shout while wearing his pants.

"Yeah, why?"

"We just had sex and you expect me to face him?"

"I don't have all time, you know?" Jangjun notified, rapping on the door.

You step out of your bed, giving Bomin a peck on his cheeks. "Pretty please? I have to wash myself up." You said, walking away from him.

"Please please please, you give it to him. Why do I have to do it?" His voice was shaking and his face tells that he was about to cry.

"Any minute now.." Jangjun reminded.

"Once you are done, join me. I'll be waiting for you." You winked, stepping inside the bathroom for a shower.

Bomin quickly dressed himself up, combed his hair using his fingers, trying to present as if he didn't have sex a while ago. Slowly, he opened the door, revealing Jangjun with a bored face. "Hi Hyung." He gave an awkward smile. "How are you?"

Jangjun raised his brow before bringing his hand forward. Bomin gave a quizzical look, clasping his hand over Jangjun's. "Aish! My airpod!" He emphasized, throwing away his hand.

"Oh!" Bomin quickly went back inside the room before fetching his airpod and handing it over.

Jangjun stuffed it inside his pocket and took a step back, leaning against the wall. "How long were you planning to do it?"

"What?" Bomin was shocked, not able to understand his statement.

"Nah, never mind. Why am I even interested in your sex life with my sister?" Bomin was uncomfortable with his words and wanted the floor to swallow him.

"C'mon." Jangjun motioned, walking away from him.

"Wait, now? Where?"

Jangjun shot him a glare, yelling, " You ask way too many questions. Why? Do you have any problem?"

"No, no, no." He instantly replied before tailing him.

* * *


You stepped out of your bathroom, finding no one in your room. Frowning at the sight, you picked up your phone and dialed his number. You looked over your study table, noticing your boyfriend's phone ringing. With a sigh, you disconnected the call. "Looks like he left his phone."

After quickly dressing up, you peeked out of your room, calling out your brother's name. Getting no response, you realized that Jangjun must have taken Bomin out for a talk or something. That gave you time to quickly wrap up your assignments that were due tomorrow. Once completing the assignments, you looked over your digital clock. "Bomin, where are you? It's been already two hours."  You lied down on your bed, scrolling through your Instagram feed, wondering where could your boyfriend be right now.

With a bang, your bedroom door opened, revealing Bomin with his cheeky smile. "Bomin!" you sat up straight, glancing at him who was wobbling towards you.

"Baby!" He slurred, cupping his cheeks with his eyes closed. "You know, I'm so lucky to have you." He motioned his finger between the two of you and you couldn't help but smile at his words. He observed your room before letting out a cry and walked towards your study table. "Sir!" He shouted and bowed down at a perfect 90-degree angle, in front of your family picture frame.

"Bomin, you drunk?" You got up from your bed and pulled him near you. You scrunched at the smell that hit your nostrils before scolding, "Bomin! Oh god, you are wasted. How many drinks did you have?"

Instead of replying, he squirmed out of your grip, facing the photo frame again, and bowed down. "Sir! I'm falling for your daughter. She's really sweet, caring, understanding, a bit scary when she's angry but at the end of the day, the most amazing person I have ever known." He spluttered as he straightened himself, fiddling with his fingers. "If I can have your permission...." His voice fades as his head droops down low.

"...I want to date your daughter."

Your ears couldn't believe a word what your boyfriend just said and you didn't notice anything until you felt a drop of tear sliding down your face.

"I love her."

It's been almost a year since you both started dating but never you have ever heard him say such romantic words. You have no idea about how he feels about you except for that day when he proposed to you to be his girlfriend. You never rushed him into saying something he wasn't comfortable with.

You slant your head sideways, a small smile shaping on your face. Bomin shifts his gaze towards you and he became surprised. "Baby! I didn't know you were here."

You chuckle at his words, pulling him towards your bed. "You just said hi to me a minute ago."

He nods happily before plopping on your bed. His eyes flutter shut before mumbling, "I love you."

*  *  *

Bomin started to groan, the moment his head started to hammer. Scratching his head, he opened his eyes, yawning, only to find you peacefully in his arms. His hand slowly went up to your face, caressing your cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I never said this sooner. I thought you'll be tired of hearing me say this again. But I love you, I always did."

He gave you a small kiss on your forehead before lingering there for a moment.

Jangjun's words replayed in his mind as he stared at you.

"Look, I don't know what's going on in your head or between you two. But I can tell you that she loves you so much. I have never seen her this happy after... well after Youngtaek broke up with her. I love you like my little brother. But I love her more, she's my sister. You better not hurt her. She had it enough."

You nuzzled up against his body, whispering, "I love you too."

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