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"Baby… I’m hoooome." You say, opening the door to your shared unit, fumbling with your steps as you’ve been intoxicated from a night out clubbing with the girls.

"Hey baby, welcome home." Daeyeol says from the sofa, holding the tv remote on one hand and a can of coke on other, beaming at your return, "Had fun?"

"Mmmmmm." You hum as you lean your head against the hallway wall.

Daeyeol smiles at you, quickly sets down the tv remote and can of coke before walking toward you to help you with your things.

"Baby, you drank a little tonight huh?" He says, chuckling, putting your bag down and hanging your coat on the nearby coat rack.

"Come here." He says, smiling at you endearingly, as he pulls you into a warm hug.

"Mmmm, Daeyeol." You hum, nuzzling onto his chest. "You smell so good… I’ve missed you, even when we’re supposed to have our own quality time with our friends tonight… I miss my baby."

Daeyeol lets out a chuckle, gently patting your hair. You feel the cold touch of his silver rings graze your head. "You smell really good too, babygirl."

Your eyes widen at the pet name uttered with a low, hoarse voice, core throbbing like an automatic switch.

You look up at him with your doe eyes, pouting. "You haven’t even changed into your sleepwear, you’re still wearing your clothes from clubbing."

He cocks an eyebrow, "I was waiting for you."

You frown at his remark, nuzzling onto his chest once more, "If you play like that, I won’t be able to handle it, Daeyeol. You know how I feel about you in those leather pants."

"You don’t have to try to handle anything baby." You look at him, and he looks back at you with a playful smirk that you know all too well.

"Ever since I saw you head out in this red dress and black heels, I know I had to do something with it by the end of the night." He says with a darkened gaze, a smirk still playing on his lips.

You look at him, spellbound, marvelling at just how much of a wonder he truly is.

"My boyfriend is soooo hot." You finally manage to say, your eyes almost shooting hearts at him.

"Look who’s talking." He responds with a smile.

You notice his hand slowly lowering down to your butt, grabbing the flesh without a hint of reluctance.

"Anyone tried to make moves on my baby tonight?" He asks you with a deceptive smile, his hold firm on your body.

"Y-yeah…. I got some free drinks from it, but-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Daeyeol cuts you off with a hungered kiss, as if that’s the only thing he’s been meaning to do for the whole day. You moan into the kiss, and he slips a tongue into your mouth, effectively rendering your whole body even weaker. He takes advantage of this and nudges you against the nearest wall, caging your body with perfect ease using his arms. You let out a soft whimper, feeling the presence of your boyfriend surround you in a fragrant, intoxicating bliss. He makes his way down your neck with his hot, wet kisses, stopping just before the dip between your breasts.

"Nobody’s allowed to touch my baby, especially when she’s looking like this." He says against your chest, his dampened black locks hanging over his forehead deepening his gaze even more.

"Daeyeol…" You whisper, eyes shut, fingers gently pulling on the hair on the back of his head.

"My baby’s mine, and mine only, am I right?" He asks, as he unzips your dress from the back. You shudder, feeling the coldness of Daeyeol’s rings brush against your exposed skin.

You nod, wanting to focus all of your senses onto the overwhelming presence that is your boyfriend.

"Then let’s get to work baby." He rasps, "I'll have you screaming my name so many times tonight you won’t ever forget who you belong to."

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