I Feel So Empty Now

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Life was dull. It always has been. Until she came into his life.

He remembers that day very well when she joined his school, attending the very same class.

"Hello, my name is Jeon Somin." She extended her hand.

His classmates normally ignore his existence, which made him isolated. It's not because of his introverted nature, nor his lack of ability to speak. It's because of his first impression. Everyone found him a bit awkward during the introduction class. So no one bothered to have a conversation with him after that.

He was shocked, scratch that, startled. Nevertheless, he accepted the hand, "Hi, my name is Bae Seungmin."

Since then, they have been friends. As the years' pass, Seungmin started to see Somin more than a friend. Cliche right?

Seungmin always found himself smiling like a Cheshire cat at her existence, dreary at her absence, and uncomfortable seeing her with other male companions. But at the end of the day, Somin swore that she won't leave him alone, ever.

High school is frustrating and amazing at the same time. The amount of homework never seems to end but ultimately her presence always kept him sane.

"Finally!" Somin groaned once the bell ringed, indicating their first class was over. "Six more hours then we are free." She whined, closing her copy.

Seungmin smiled at her, leaning on his hand against the desk. "Is Miss Jeon complaining about the academics?"

"No, when did I complain?"

He snorted at her poor reply. "You know, you are lame at lying."

She huffed, diverting her attention elsewhere.

Their next class commenced and their homeroom teacher appeared with a new student tailing behind him. "Yes, everyone. Looks like you have a new friend. Introduce yourself."

The new student nodded. "Hello everyone. My name is Choi Sungyoon. Nice to meet you all."

The teacher nodded, requesting, "I hope everyone will make him feel comfortable."

Silence reduced as everyone started murmuring among themselves.

"Yeah, yeah, quiet! Now, where will you sit? Ah, why don't you sit beside Somin." He said motioning to an empty seat beside her. Sungyoon proceeded, occupying the seat. "Now everyone, turn to page 98."

Sungyoon and Somin quickly acquainted themselves as Seungmin silently stared at him, experiencing nervousness.

Days went by and Sungyoon became everyone's favorite. He was sweet, good-looking, intelligent, and athletic. Everyone wanted to be his pal but he constantly been close to Somin, leading them to be good friends. Seungmin never felt welcoming at Sungyoon and Somin's conversation. But he ignored it.

Months passed by and Seungmin started feeling isolated again. The moment he enters the school, he notices Somin disappearing right under his nose. Arriving at the class, he noticed her chattering to Sungyoon. He didn't want to be over-possessive over Somin but he wasn't able to handle his jealousy. His fists balled, turning his knuckles into white as he saw Sungyoon whispering something in her ears followed by her giggling.

This routine went on until one day, Seungmin felt like he lost the battle. "What? You like Sungyoon?"

Somin nodded, leaning back at the chair, her eyes gazing at the scenery out of the window. "My heartbeat starts racing once he's nearby."

"But that doesn't prove that you like him" Seungmin retorted, his eyes staring at hers.

She shrugs, averting her gaze back to Seungmin. "I don't know. But I'm sure that he's the one."

"How can you be so sure? He's just one of your crushes. Your infatuation towards him will slowly fade away like it always did." He fumed.

"Why can't you support my decision?"

"Because I..."

Because he loves her. He wants to be her only one.

"Because you are too good for him."

"And who are you to remark on my love life?" She questioned.

With that said, she left him alone with his thoughts. He felt like his head was gonna explode. He wanted to speak up but what's the point of doing so when eventually she's gonna leave him deserted.

The next day rolled by, and Sungyoon proposed to her in front of the whole school on the football ground. A drop of tear rolled down Seungmin's face as he watched Somin accepting Sungyoon's proposal. No one could hear his sobs as everyone cheered for the new couple.

The following day, Seungmin was unpacking his bag when he heard his classmates applauding the new mates entering the class. They gathered around the couple, asking when did it all start.

Seungmin ignored their discussion as he dropped his head down on his desk, whispering, "I feel so empty now."

He slowly averted his direction to Somin who was smiling brightly at her boyfriend, mumbled, "I hope you are happy with him."

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