Come into my Parade

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[I feel so empty now (part 2)]

Looking into group photos of his kindergarten was something that kept Seungmin happy. Those innocent, notorious yet delighted smiles he always wished to have during his high school years.

His only friend left him alone in despair and he has to face the misery for one more year till he graduates from high school.

"Mom, I'll be going out." He yells before heading out of his house.

Seungmin could hear children squealing while running around at the playground. A sense of enjoyment was felt at the sight in front of him. He wanted to turn the time back just to relish the moment again.


He turned around, noticing a female around his age. Within a second his tongue rolled, "Naeun?"

A smile spread across Naeun's face. "Oh God, I cannot believe it's you!" She exclaimed, instinctively wrapped her hands around Seungmin's neck for a hug.

In response, he chuckled, patting her head softly before reciprocating the hug. "Long time, no see?"

She pulled herself away, striking at his arms. "Ya? How dare you! You didn't even call me once after you left."

Seungmin laughed, "I thought you would be pleased that I won't be troubling you ever again."

"Of course not." She pouted, mumbling. She flicked a finger on his head as he yelped in pain.

"Ouch! What's that for?"

"For not telling me that you'll be departing and leaving me alone." She murmured sadly.

"Okay, okay. Now that we have finally met after a long time, how about I make it up to you? Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

She thought for a moment before snapping her fingers. "Yeah, how about you volunteer at the kindergarten. They are short of staff and need a helping hand for a few days. I happen to be offering assistance here."

Seungmin nodded happily, "Sure."

The rest of the day, Seungmin helped the staff with the work they needed to be finished. Also played a few games with kids, sang songs, told several jokes. In the end, it was quite a good day.

Seungmin insisted on walking Naeun back to her home. After a long argument, she finally accepted the defeat, allowing him to walk with her.

"You know, it's really good to see you again." She confessed, gazing at the beautiful sunset.

"I know." After a pause, he continued, "You remember when you had a hard time being to make a paper boat, and I helped you with that."

Naeun giggled, nodding, "Yes, and after that, I was mad at you because I wanted to try it on my own."

Seungmin laughed, "And from that day you always avoided me but I kept on following you like a shadow."

She joined with him, laughing at the memories they shared. "Yeah, but deep down, I enjoyed having you around. After all, you were my hero." With that said, his chest puffed up with confidence boosting up. "My mini hero!" She squealed, pinching his cheeks softly.

"Ya! I'm still taller than you." He justified, swatting her hand away. As they reached in front of Naeun's home, Seungmin turned around facing her, tilting his head. "You know, it's not too late to have me around." Naeun narrowed her eyes at him as he pulled his head back a bit, displaying his serious expression, "I'm not joking."

She laughed, patting at his arms. "I know, I know. I should get going." She pointed to her house. He smiled as he took a step back, watching her walking into her house. "I'll see you soon!" She waved and the next moment she was no longer at his sight.

* * *

Seungmin stepped into his school with a bright smile. Before his summer vacation, he entered the school with one thought in his mind. Ignore Somin at all costs.

owever this time, his mood wasn't off like the previous year.

He took his seat, humming his favorite song while opening his copy. New day, new me. He thought.

His classmate, Jinyoung, who happens to sit in front of him, turned back and furrowed his brow in confusion. "You look happy?"

"Don't I always?" Seungmin replied, uncapping his pen and writing his name on the front page.

Jinyoung blinked in surprise before nodding in appreciation. "I don't know what's got into you but whatever it is, it's good." He displayed his thumbs up before averting his attention back at the front.

As he was sitting at the last row near the window, he was well aware that no one would trouble him. Seungmin shifted his eyes, staring out at the window. Slowly he closes his eyes, beaming at fresh air hitting at his face. He never felt so calm before.

Somin entered the class and the first person she noticed was Seungmin. He looked so quiet yet cheery at the same time. Her heart started to pain little by little. She took her seat at the middle row, far from him.

Ever since she accepted Sungyoon's proposal, she couldn't help but look at Seungmin from afar. She felt terrible as she broke the only one promise she made. At times, she wanted to leave everything behind and go after him, give him a big hug, promising him that she'll never leave him again.

Sungyoon appeared in-front of her, wishing her good morning, and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. She gave him a small smile before averting her attention back to Seungmin who is oblivious to her existence.

"Good morning everyone!" Their homeroom teacher greeted, entering at a fast pace. He motions with his hand and in the cue, a new student enters the class. "We have a new student who recently transferred here. Introduce yourself to everyone."

The student bowed down before straightening up, speaking, "Hello everyone. My name is Lee Naeun." She beamed at the students, scanning before noticing Seungmin. She perked up, slowly waving her hands.

"Right. So where will you sit?" The homeroom teacher ponders as he saw two seats, one beside Seungmin and one in front of Somin.

Before he could say anything, Naeun butted in, "Can I sit beside Seungmin?"

"Sure sure!" As she walks her way to her seat, the teacher spoke, "Looks like she'll be sitting beside Seungmin. You better take care of your new friend." He pointed out before turning his attention to the rest of the class.

"I didn't know you transferred here." Seungmin whispered as she took her seat.

"Surprise!" She giggled before explaining, "I didn't know as well. But it's good, right? Now you can follow me like a silhouette like old-time. He snorted before paying attention to the teacher.

Their three classes concluded and everyone started rushing to the cafeteria. Seungmin stretched his body as Naeun dusted her skirt properly. Somin kept her eyes on the duo as watched them walking their way out of the classroom. Before exiting the room, Seungmin stood near the door, gestured her with a big bow. "Come into my parade."

Naeun laughed at his silly movement before patting at his arm and Seungmin, in response, laughed back at her and strode out of the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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