Christmas supercorp

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Lena had always hated Christmas from the day that she could remember. It had always seemed to be an inconvenience a waste of time an excuse to spend all your money . As a young girl her and her mother had been to poor to buy much at Christmas and they always ended up in debt at the end of the year . Lena saw the stress it put on her mother despite her young age and felt as if she they shouldn't celebrate as it brought to much trouble than good . Christmas felt even more pointless when she let her mother die watch her drown in the ocean and was adopted by her fathers family. The Luther's were work ridden and full of themselves always thinking about their next brake through,or next check whatever it was money was always on their mind they were to into there business that they were incapable of showing love and emotions. Her first Christmas with her new family she had been depressed still grieving for her dead mother to sad to even think about Christmas she had spent the whole day in her room , alone . Other years were no different even when she excepted  her mother death they still followed a similar path in a room working all day or in her office in her adult years . At a young age the Luther's taught her that Christmas was for the weak minded, the greedy people who felt the need to spend lots of money on presents and food to make themselves happy. The family had to be so different and ahead of the game that they missed every holiday and took no brake for family moments so they could be the first to get good deals and more invests for the family company. They were always first at everything in the economic world and it made them loaded . Apart from there money driven decisions they also had harsh opinions, the family thought being gay was wrong and that people were stuck with the gender they were born with . Although that seemed bad enough the one that stood out the most was their deep hatred towards aliens. With their power that many alien could potentially own weather it be super strength or invisibility or a week alien to the most powerful one known they despised them out of fear that they could be more superior them . The Luther's got used to being superior on earth being able to scare people in to getting what they want but when aliens started to arrive on the planet it was if they had all come to mock them . Her family couldn't take that at every chance they got they had a made a new plan to take them out and level the playing field even their business own business now shadowed there prejudice and motives they had products ranging from alien detection devices to weapons strong enough to harm any alien . When it came to there thoughts there was no doubt they used them to generate more money spreading hate and negativity taking advantage of the many civilians scared of the unknown who were just trying to understand people. It was safe to say this family did no good for Lena. Before she was adopted she was a bubbly, happy toddler that loved nothing more than to be in her mother's arms . She enjoyed all the trips they took to the beach and the park and even they days when they would just stay home and watch movies all day together. It was a simple basic life with just the two of them and Lena loved it . Since she moved in to her new family her bubbly attitude disappeared and her happiness faded she wanted so much to be noticed and loved by her new found family that it made her miss her mother even more. Although Lena could see the horror of the Luther family and wanted so much not to be part of it she still managed to develop views and habits that her family held yet she was oblivious to it to focused of providing her to the city to realise her flaws. One of them being not celebrating Christmas.

Lena had planned a business trip to Vancouver having a few meetings there and wanting a change of scenery from her bleak office. She had rented a cabin just outside of the city in the forest . It was part of a holiday residence with lots of log cabins scattered across the woodland and a lobby just outside the wood a small building that had a restaurant the checking area , a games room a pool spar and gym . It also had grate WiFi and lots of comfy chairs, it was perfect for getting work done and Lena had found her self here a lot of the time when she wasn't out in the city . Usually Lena would have her own condo or private facility to live in but she wanted stay somewhere in the nature and away from the city and this was the only place she could find plus it wasn't badly priced either. It had been Christmas Day and she decided to crash out in the lobby to catch up on some work. It was quite peaceful not many people were around not Leaving their cabin and spending time together as a family yet there was a few people in the building with her . Other than the workers and herself there was a middle aged man , a young woman in her mid twenties with a younger girl in her early twenties but by the look of her jumping around in excitement it was clear that she resembled a small child . It was currently snowing something that never happened where Lena lived but she  was thankful for it never got exactly cold . It had been snowing for a few hours and it had already begun to lay . A thick layer covered the ground like a blanket of white.
She was currently reading and replying to emails when she heard someone exit the building or try to until they shouted something clearly addressing everyone in the building.

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