Kidnaped together part 3

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The next few months had been long and tough , both sisters having gone through hell , weather it be the constant torture that even Alex experienced to either put her in her place or to hurt Kara emotionally, or the metal and emotionally pain they both suffered with . Despite all this they both managed to survive and stay sane as although they were living an experience no one should have to go through, they had each other and that's what kept them going, fighting.

"Alex " Kara calmed out for her sister, both girls were just sitting in their cell both having just woken up , the two sisters loved having conversations with one another and it became a routined time where they could just forget about what was happening, however this was not one of those moments.

"Hmmm" Alex hummed in response still drowsy from the broken, nightmare ridden sleep the both girls experienced after weeks into the kidnapping.

"Do you think we'll ever make it out of here?" Kara questioned she was thinking about life before they were taken while sleeping, Kara wondered if that could be reality again, it just felt so distant .

"well,I would like to hope so , I mean a DEO agent and your a literal superhero , we're not exactly ordinary people . I would like to think people are looking for us , In fact the DEO are probably doing that right now " Alex answered optimistically which was strange considering she was a pessimist but when she was around Kara and seeing how being hopeful was one of the only things along with her sister keeping her sane right now, she had to think that .

"But Alex don't you think that they would have found us already If they were coming I mean it's mean it's been months , don't get me wrong I do miss the outside world, the business of National City, surprisingly Cat and my job , being supergirl and being able to be free and help people . I miss having a purpose and most importantly our friends and family but that just feels like a distant memory to me now "  Kara explained giving up on having a future away from the 4 walls they were currently locked in .

"Kara, I know John and the DEO there definitely looking for us I mean the DEO can't live without the best agent and the Girl of Steel I'm sure there just figuring a way to get us out , we'll get out of here ok we have to " Alex stated trying to lift Kara's hopes up.

"Alex , they won't find us , Lillian's smart she's done this before she knows how to hide her tracks the DEO won't be able to find us , we'll just have to make the most of our life here together " Kara spoke.

"Kara you can't think like that , we will get out of here . If the DEO can't rescue us then we'll have to save ourselves " Alex stated confidently.

"Look I found this random piece of wood and with this and everything they have supplied us with I'm sure I can craft a weapon out of it. I also found this notebook In my pocket um maybe you could try to remember the codes for different rooms and you could write them and other information in here to , I have a pen it was with the notebook "

Kara sat there thinking for a moment, she really wanted to believe in a chance of freedom but she didn't want to give herself false hope , she looked at Alex hesitantly .

"Do you really think that's possible?" Kara Alex desperately wanting to believe her.

"Of course I do and even if it doesn't work it's still worth a shot " Alex explained to Kara.

"Okay then, let's do it" Kara stated not fully convinced but willing to give things a go.

Over the next month the Danvers sisters worked on their plan to escape, collecting information and crafting weapons. Alex managed to make a spear out of the piece 
of wood she found lying around and with the help of a few tools from the First aid box . The spear was pretty sharp and sturdy, having tested it on the first box , so it should hopefully work a treat .

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