Lena knows

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This is what the original story line of Lena gone bad . It was what it was originally meant to be but I had very conflicted thoughts and had to write a second one shot a more darker version so this is the original.

Lena sat her desk alcohol in hand staring off into space. Her heart was full of pain after the aftermath of her brother so she began to drown herself in alcohol the intoxicating liquid washed over her heart numbing it completely. Her eyes glanced over an photo she had on the desk of her Kara and Alex (I honestly don't know if Alex was even in the picture I tried re watching the scene and slowing it down but I still couldn't tell lol).
Rage boiled through Lena's skin just looking at kara how could she be so cruel.
She made her open up to her when she didn't want to get close to her when she didn't do the same. She knew how badly it effected her when eve betrayed her she knew how much pain Lena had been at the deceit and lies Kara even told her how wrong everyone was to her she made her believe that she was different and then the one person she still had hope in did the one thing she promised she wouldn't do. She betrayed her. She was worse than all the others she had previously spited on for hurting Lena she was a hypocrite. The anger bubbling inside her was to overwhelming she smashed her glass of the picture frame and pieces of glass shattered everywhere.

"Hey Lena" Kara said as she entered her best friends office.

"Hey Kara how are you " Lena asked putting on a fake smile.

"I'm alright err the-res something I need to tell you actually " Kara admitted her face falling as nerves rose through her body.

"Yeah you know you can tell me anything" Lena stated trying to sound like a good friend.

"Yeah right I know it's just I don't really tell many people this I err don't really l-like this p-part of me I just I don't like people knowing I'm afraid they'll treat me differently " Kara stated nervously.

"Kara just tell me I won't judge and honestly I don't think there's anything that could make me look at you differently " Lena lied through her teeth trying to get her to say whatever she planned on telling her. Despite hating her guts she couldn't help but feel curious at what she was about to tell her , she also hoped deep down that she would tell her she was an alien it might just help her feel better less betrayed like she did trust her and never had the chance to tell the truth.

"I err I-I'm a a-an " there convention was cut short when Kara heard sirens going off somewhere in National City with her super hearing and decided to go and help despite the existence of the police.

"I have to go family emergency,I err tell you later " she told Lena before rushing out the door.

Lena's face fell as her hopes were cut away. She felt hurt she just wanted more than anything for Kara to tell her the truth she didn't care that she already knew she just wanted to hear it from her best friend not from her sociopathic brother. At that moment she realised and excepted the truth Kara never intended on telling Lena about her heritage or her secret identity, in fact she didn't even care about her she was just a puppet she could string along. Just some toy she could play with and through away when she was finished with it . She was just someone she could fix to make her feel accomplished with her self make her feel like the hero and please that ego she had that god complex . It makes her feel sick , how could someone do that . She grabbed a random glass off of her table and smashed it ageist the opposite wall and slid down the one she was standing against in a sobbing mess.

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